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Spoilers for Tuesday September 25th 2012 (Series 67 #37)

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2012 3:37 am
by Jordan F
Liam Shaw is up to 6 wins, which may already be good enough for the finals. However, the 7th win can't hurt his chances either, can he get it today? Because of the weird scheduling this week, this is the last day of Jennie Bond. I can guarantee you that this will be one of her two best days this week.

Until we figure out a Tuesday recap replacement (I've had to retire due to real life work commitments), I believe we'll be joining James later.

Re: Spoilers for Tuesday September 25th 2012 (Series 67 #37)

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2012 5:06 pm
by James Robinson
Jordan F wrote:Until we figure out a Tuesday recap replacement (I've had to retire due to real life work commitments), I believe we'll be joining James later.
I'll do it I guess, but we do need a full-time replacement soon. :idea:

Re: Spoilers for Tuesday September 25th 2012 (Series 67 #37)

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2012 6:27 pm
by James Robinson
Rosie was very unlucky today, I wonder if she had a 7 when she gave radioers as an answer................... :?

ONLIEST in round 1, RAIMENTS in round 9, GAVOTTES in round 11 and UPCASED in round 13.

3rd Numbers Alt.: ((25 + 10) x (8 + 7)) + 4 - 3 = 526

Re: Spoilers for Tuesday September 25th 2012 (Series 67 #37)

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2012 9:05 pm
by Jojo Apollo
James Robinson wrote:Rosie was very unlucky today, I wonder if she had a 7 when she gave radioers as an answer................... :?

ONLIEST in round 1, RAIMENTS in round 9, GAVOTTES in round 11 and UPCASED in round 13.

3rd Numbers Alt.: ((25 + 10) x (8 + 7)) + 4 - 3 = 526
Yeah she was unlucky, she probably had radioes for the seven, I was thinking about radioers playing along at home but stuck with radioes.

Re: Spoilers for Tuesday September 25th 2012 (Series 67 #37)

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2012 11:10 pm
by Thomas Carey
Ouch. Terribly unlucky game, especially considering that had she stuck with ADULATE she'd have won.

Waiting to see if Jessica will make Liam the second heptochamp of the series...

Question for the statspeoples: How many non-octochamp series winners have there been, and when was the most recent one?

Re: Spoilers for Tuesday September 25th 2012 (Series 67 #37)

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2012 11:22 pm
by Graeme Cole
Thomas Carey wrote:Ouch. Terribly unlucky game, especially considering that had she stuck with ADULATE she'd have won.
Definitely. Rosie showed herself to be a very good player, she just got a few judgement calls wrong.
Thomas Carey wrote:Question for the statspeoples: How many non-octochamp series winners have there been, and when was the most recent one?
A quick look at our wiki shows the most recent non-octochamp series winner was Ben Wilson in series 46, but in that series the limit was six wins. The most recent before then was series 45 which was won by John Rawnsley (7 wins). That series didn't have any octochamps in it, and was a shortened series with only four players in the finals. The series before that was also won by a heptochamp, Stuart Wood.

Unless I've miscounted flicking back through the wiki pages, I make it that 30 series winners were not octochamps.

Re: Spoilers for Tuesday September 25th 2012 (Series 67 #37)

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2012 11:33 pm
by James Robinson
Graeme Cole wrote:Unless I've miscounted flicking back through the wiki pages, I make it that 30 series winners were not octochamps.
Yup, but more importantly, none of those were during the 15-round era, so definitely something to have to be in with a chance of being the series champ. :idea:

Re: Spoilers for Tuesday September 25th 2012 (Series 67 #37)

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2012 7:04 am
by David Williams
James Robinson wrote:RAIMENTS in round 9
Since when? One of first things I can remember learning was MINARETS, because RAIMENT was a mass noun - and that was before there were any mass nouns.

Re: Spoilers for Tuesday September 25th 2012 (Series 67 #37)

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2012 1:47 pm
by Grant Waters
Thomas Carey wrote:
Waiting to see if Jessica will make Liam the second heptochamp of the series...
Heptochamp? That sound cool. I presume heptochamps are a much rarer breed than those common-or-garden Octochamps! ;)


Re: Spoilers for Tuesday September 25th 2012 (Series 67 #37)

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2012 11:06 pm
by Mike Brown
David Williams wrote:
James Robinson wrote:RAIMENTS in round 9
Since when? One of first things I can remember learning was MINARETS, because RAIMENT was a mass noun - and that was before there were any mass nouns.
RAIMENT is indeed a mass noun, but RAIMENTS is given as an alternative version of RAIMENT.