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Recap posting

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 8:37 pm
by Charlie Reams
Please post your recaps to here rather than to the mailing list. Due to Yahoo being a piece of shit, you now have to log in to read the posts on there, which breaks everything on the Corral. I have taken a local copy of all of the old recaps so they can still be browsed through the Corral, but I won't be updating this any further, so new recaps posted there will be very difficult to access. I've already had one email from a new user complaining that they couldn't access them.

Also, someone in another thread (can't remember who, sorry) suggested that we have a standard naming convention for the recap threads. I don't want to impose any kind of rules on this, but some kind of standard prefix (like [2008 January 23]) would definitely make it easier to find the right thread at a glance. What do all recappers/non-recappers think to this?

Re: Recap posting

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 8:40 pm
by David O'Donnell
The standard prefix you have suggested is fine and I will start using it from next Tuesday onwards.

Re: Recap posting

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2008 1:30 pm
by Julian Fell
I'm not a recapper but I prefer Jim's notation of: Series number, Game number, Date in brackets...

Re: Recap posting

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2008 1:46 pm
by Ray Folwell
I made the original suggestion - I also like Jim's notation - Series number, Game number (Day-of-week Date Month).
I think the brackets help to draw your eye to the date, if that's what you are looking for.

Re: Recap posting

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2008 4:22 pm
by Charlie Reams
As far as I know the main use case for recaps is "I know I missed Wednesday's game, I'll read it now." I can't imagine someone saying "I know I missed Episode 63 of Series 58, I'll read that now." So it makes sense to include the date and week day (in some format) but I can't see the value of series numbers. It really doesn't matter provided we're all consistent, but we might as well pick something useful.

Re: Recap posting

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2008 6:40 pm
by Charlie Reams

Re: Recap posting

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2008 7:04 pm
by Joseph Bolas
What you could do is start off with the total episode number then the individual series and episode numbers and then the date in brackets, so for example, have something like:

#00001 - SE 01 EP 01 (02/11/82)?

Re: Recap posting

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2008 7:28 pm
by Dinos Sfyris
Yeah thats good. I also agree with what Soo said ie if people miss a game they look for day of the week rather than game number so perhaps Day date Series Episode eg Mon 11/02/08 SE 58 EP ##

Re: Recap posting

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2008 7:35 pm
by David O'Donnell
Definitely has to start with the day and other than that this topic is a little tedious.

Re: Recap posting

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2008 8:17 pm
by JimBentley
David O'Donnell wrote:Definitely has to start with the day and other than that this topic is a little tedious.
Quiet, you. This is a subject of the utmost import.

I've changed today's to date first, series and game in brackets. The date's the thing I guess, but I include the series and game numbers because I am a nerd and like cataloguing things.

Re: Recap posting

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2008 3:44 am
by DaveC
jimbentley wrote:Quiet, you. This is a subject of the utmost import.
I wonder did anyone not realise there was a sarcastic tinge to that.

I copied Charlie's notation with "[20080208] Friday's game"

His reason for using it could well have been along the same line of thought as my excessive nerdiness (word not in ODE alert!) just in case someone wants to use the titles for sorting purposes, the games would appear in chronological order.

My first thought as a culmination of other peoples thoughts was.

SE 58 Ga 26 : Friday 8th February 2008

But we're underway now so there ya go.


Hey just think, if this forum was used as part of the corpus we could use start using the non-word OCTOCHAMP as our spoilerspace. Boost it's hit count in no time. Based on Google hits how's about.

BLASTBEAT = i.e. the Extreme percussion technique, 78,900 Google hits
DAFTNESS = 50,200 hits.

Am I rambling, nah I'm trespassing. Ain't no public footpath here.


Re: Recap posting

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2008 1:30 pm
by Kirk Bevins
DaveC wrote: Boost it's hit count in no time.

Re: Recap posting

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2008 12:35 pm
by M. George Quinn
DaveC wrote: Hey just think, if this forum was used as part of the corpus we could use start using the non-word OCTOCHAMP as our spoilerspace. Boost it's hit count in no time. Based on Google hits how's about.
In that case, shouldn't we just use freeporn as our spoilerspace?