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Spoilers For Monday January 16th 2012

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 12:22 am
by James Robinson
So, we're into week 2 of the Nick Hewer era, and while undoubtedly there are some reservations about his style, I think the majority have given him a positive feedback, and hopefully things will only improve.

But one thing that we're definitely not complaining about is the performances of our very own Jack Worsley, whose 6 centuries so far have been nothing short of breathtaking. ;) :) :D :mrgreen: 8-)

Surely he'll be an octochamp after Tuesday's show, but you never know with these things, and I certainly hope I haven't jinxed him................ :roll:

Back in DC for his 3rd stint after 2 reasonably good previous performances in S62 & 63, is the former newsreader, now Beethoven expert, John Suchet.

And speaking of S63, the runner-up of that series, Eoin Monaghan, will be providing us with the recap of the show later on. ;) :) :D :mrgreen: 8-)

Re: Spoilers For Monday January 16th 2012

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 3:38 pm
by John Brackstone

Re: Spoilers For Monday January 16th 2012

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 7:27 pm
by James Robinson
John Brackstone wrote:samoyeds
Nope, not been in for donkey's ages.

PLOTZES & ZLOTIES in round 3, GADOIDS in round 6, TENUTO in round 11, INTONER in round 12.

Well done again, Jack. Almost thought you were gonna lose it there when you missed COMPETE in round 9, but a very good recovery to get that 7th century.

Hopefully the full set tomorrow. ;) :) :D :mrgreen: 8-)

Re: Spoilers For Monday January 16th 2012

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 7:30 pm
by Eoin Monaghan
I have the recap ready and it's been like this all day, but I missed up until round 2 because I don't get home in time. 4oD don't have it up and nor do YouTube. Does anyone have any details they could help me with please?

Re: Spoilers For Monday January 16th 2012

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 7:35 pm
by James Robinson
Eoin Monaghan wrote:I have the recap ready and it's been like this all day, but I missed up until round 2 because I don't get home in time. 4oD don't have it up and nor do YouTube. Does anyone have any details they could help me with please?
This might help, Eoin:

Re: Spoilers For Monday January 16th 2012

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 7:40 pm
by Eoin Monaghan
That's great James, thanks! Now I just need to watch the introduction...

Re: Spoilers For Monday January 16th 2012

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2012 1:15 pm
by Ryan Taylor
One problem that I think might exist (and sorry to keep going on about Nick all the time in these spoiler threads) is that contestants don't know how to deal with Nick's chatter and remarks yet. One reason is undoubtedly that most of Jack's challenger's so far probably didn't know who he was or what he was like when going to film. Hopefully when people film from now on they will have seen some of the episodes and what Nick is like and be able to do a better job at interacting with him.

Re: Spoilers For Monday January 16th 2012

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2012 3:40 pm
by Keith Bennett
Why should they have to adapt to him Ryan?

I like Nick from his role in the Apprentice, and I've no doubt he'll give it his best shot. But he's being asked to do something here that just isn't him. He isn't a small talk guy. He's not someone who has a long history of chat show type interviewing. My better half commented that when he's quizzing contestants he makes what they're in to sound like an accusation, and I see what she means.

Last Wednesday's show was with a new audience (3 were done on that day). The first thing we heard was him being rather patronising about Rachel's birthday - "If you are a good girl, young lady etc." followed by, to viewers, "If you were careless* enough to miss Jack's first three shows...."

And at the end of Friday's show, the last recorded, the last thing we heard was "after that abject failure...." when they didn't get the conundrum. None of the previous presenters have taken that sort of approach, and it didn't sit very comfortably. Nobody seemed to really warm to him as far as I could tell.

Yes, we know what he's saying is supposed to be "banter" but it's very hard for a top broadcaster to pull that sort of thing off let alone someone with no relevant experience. Imagine some newbie in aptochat taking the piss in the way people you've known for years might; it wouldn't go down very well, would it?

I am sympathetic towards Nick in that he didn't approach them for the job, it was the other way round. He openly admits he'd never seen the show and I really wonder if he had any idea what they needed. The trouble is I don't really think the producers thought it through either. If they had I think they'd have gone lookking for an up-and-coming broadcaster currently working out in the regions somewhere, which if you think about it is exactly what RW was when the show started.

It will be interesting to see what happens to viewing figures in the next few months. Also it would interesting to know whether the number of people applying to be contestants changes, but I guess we won't get to know that.

One thing for absolute certain - Jack's been brilliant and has set one heck of a standard for everyone else to follow in this series. And by the time he records the finals he'll be even better. Just hope he's decided not to be a criminologist or he'll have Nick bending his ear again....

Re: Spoilers For Monday January 16th 2012

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2012 3:57 pm
by Ryan Taylor
I just think some of them take the comments the wrong way. It is just banter. That bubbly girl with the glasses was pretty good at taking things on, err, the chin.

Re: Spoilers For Monday January 16th 2012

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2012 4:33 pm
by Brian Moore
Keith Bennett wrote:But he's being asked to do something here that just isn't him.
I think you're reading too much into his form at the start of doing something he's not used to (it's one thing to be congenial - quite another thing to do it in a new job, in front of cameras, audience, and already-experienced presenters). Given the already marked improvement from the first show (just over one day's experience in the job), I would expect Nick will be gently guided by Damian to temper any apprentice-like put-downs (yes, the "abject failure" was out of place) - already the multiple "good"s and "well-done"s have more or less gone, and some of his phrases ("Stand by!") make me chuckle. I would also imagine that Damian will be suggesting to Nick that Nick doesn't keep on 'bigging-up' "the champ" quite so much, which might make the challenge even more daunting for the challenger, I'd imagine. Though it's nice that Nick recognises an exceptional player when he sees one. Jack's a superb player, but it doesn't look like he relishes being in front of an audience and cameras, so I wouldn't expect the repartee between Jack and Nick to be natural and sparkling.

I can't remember how long Rachel took to loosen up and find her style (remember her weird pronunciation of some letters? "esssssA" etc.), but it was far longer than a week's worth of shows. My mum thinks "he'll do!", so he must be OK. I hope that's cleared that up.

Re: Spoilers For Monday January 16th 2012

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2012 7:41 pm
by Andy Platt
FACIAL in round 1, PRELATE in round 2, EPITOME in round 9, everything else mentioned. I missed RETINOL in 12, even after Jack mentioning it on these forums for pretty much every game last series.... lol. Well played again Jack, just about to go and watch today's episode..