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Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2009 5:06 pm
by david dawson
Wotcha. I've just started watching Countdown again after a long break. I got tired of seeing Carol Vorderman everywhere, selling her consolidation loans to chavs and margerine that will only give you a little heart attack, and have only just resumed viewing. Unfortunately the first episode I chose to watch had Andrew Sachs on and I've only just woken up. Things seem much the same as before, I like the game but not the presenters, apart from Susie Dent, who I like far too much to be healthy, so I watch most of the game with the sound off. Until Susie comes on and dazzles me with some dictionary based repartee. I look forward to reading your posts over the coming weeks and months.

Re: Greetings

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2009 6:14 pm
by George Jenkins
david dawson wrote:Wotcha. I've just started watching Countdown again after a long break. I got tired of seeing Carol Vorderman everywhere, selling her consolidation loans to chavs and margerine that will only give you a little heart attack, and have only just resumed viewing. Unfortunately the first episode I chose to watch had Andrew Sachs on and I've only just woken up. Things seem much the same as before, I like the game but not the presenters, apart from Susie Dent, who I like far too much to be healthy, so I watch most of the game with the sound off. Until Susie comes on and dazzles me with some dictionary based repartee. I look forward to reading your posts over the coming weeks and months.
Welcome to the Viper's pit David. You must make sure that your fangs are sharp. The boys and Gels on this Forum show no mercy.

Re: Greetings

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2009 9:56 pm
by david dawson
My fangs are so dull I may as well be toothless, a lovely nine letter effort. I doubt if I'll be crossing swords with anyone here, unless they insult my favourite lexicographer, then it's war.