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Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 10:00 pm
by Ben Wilson
Anybody here an enthusiast of Audiosurf? I've got to admit I absolutely love it and, considering the size of my mp3 collection, I get a hell of a lot of play out of it!

Re: Audiosurf

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 12:41 am
by Dan Vanniasingham
Not played it myself, but one of my old schoolfriends has confessed to being an addict previously, think he had some high scores but can't remember off-hand what tracks they were. Looks like a clever concept though, but it seems like nobody else here has heard of it.

Re: Audiosurf

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 4:37 pm
by Matt Morrison
Yeah enjoyed it very much a year ago, great to play with a mate when stoned.
But I'd only downloaded a copy of it, which means you get absolutely no comparison to other people's scores on the same song - in fact I don't think it even let you know your own top score (as they must have been intended to be stored on the high score server and never locally) which spoiled it all really.
I did intend to pay the tenner to get it from Steam at some point, but then some clever sod invented Guitar Hero 3 and I haven't played Audiosurf since.