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Double elimination

Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2014 10:35 am
by JackHurst
A lot of top tv game shows that run a series format such as Mastermind, University Challenge, Only Connect and Pointless allow for contestants/teams who didn't win an episode to return and redeem themselves. Countdown, being another top tv game show which runs a series format does not do this. As soon as you lose, you are (in 99% of cases) never to return to the show again. I think this is quite sad, and indeed means there are lots of popular faces that viewers would like to see return to their screens that never will. Another results of the system if that there are quite often one or two stand out contestants who deserved to be in the finals but missed out. What if countdown were to use a different system, similar to MM UC, OC & Pointless?

One such system for example could be:

Keep the series format how it is, with the end top 8 seeds going through to the finals having been ranked on wins then points. Any player who has played fewer than 8 heat games and lost their last one is invited back later in that series or the next. When that player comes back, the carry on from as many wins and points as the had, and stay on until they are beaten or until they reach a total of 7 wins. In the latter case, the player would have also had played 8 games. Obviously arrange games so that two players cannot meet twice in heat games, as it would be unfair for somebody to lose to the same person twice. I think this would give a fairer top 8 at the end of the series, and it would also make the show easier to run:

-Fewer stand by contestants needed as you can just reuse a defeated contestant from that recording day if necessary and possible
-Fewer contestants need to be found for each series
-More returning contestants means fewer new people to have to brief each day in the studio
-Contestants less likely to under perform due to nerves as they know they will get another go if they lose.

What do other think about introducing such a system?

Re: Double elimination

Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2014 1:04 pm
by Andy Platt
I like this. I think Damian said once or twice that application numbers are down in the last few years, and this would help maintain quantity and quality.

Re: Double elimination

Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2014 1:28 pm
by James Robinson
If only it was triple................... ;) :) :D 8-)

Re: Double elimination

Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2014 1:35 pm
by Martin Thompson
I think that's a good idea. The probem with Countdown is the random nature of the pairings. Imagine last year's final happening in the middle of this series, where Dylan Taylor is the challenger, losing and never to return again? The point being you can have some very strong players losing their first game. Maybe they should be invited back to the following series?

Re: Double elimination

Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2014 1:43 pm
by Graeme Cole
I would like to see someone win six games and lose their seventh, come back later on in the series and win eight in a row, and so qualify for the finals as both #2 and #7 seed (for example) and have to play themselves in the quarter final.

Edit: actually, I didn't read the post properly. As you were. I'll see myself out.

Re: Double elimination

Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2014 2:39 pm
by Gavin Chipper
If losing a game limits you to 7 wins, then you could have a situation like series 47 where you need to be an octochamp to make the quarter finals, so your comeback would be futile whatever you do in it.

Re: Double elimination

Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2014 2:44 pm
by JackHurst
Gavin Chipper wrote:If losing a game limits you to 7 wins, then you could have a situation like series 47 where you need to be an octochamp to make the quarter finals, so your comeback would be futile whatever you do in it.
Good point. Perhaps just go on points then, but you lose 10 points for each defeat you had

Re: Double elimination

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2014 9:49 pm
by Dave Preece
I think Jack's idea is COCK ON!