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Re: Which languages do you know?

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2009 10:27 pm
by Phil Reynolds
Derek Hazell wrote:Can Karen Pearson or Andy Thomson or anyone else read any of this?
I can't, but Google Language Tools can. Here's it's pretty good attempt at the main chunk of text:
In a literal sense, this is not an hour, but only thirty-five minutes.

But for boys and girls, say, or from Kamchatka in the Far North, and even if they do know the difference between Bach and Tchaikovsky, Pushkin and Tolstoy, or Mozart and Salieri, these thirty-five minutes of an unforgettable intellectual competition with their peers in the studio, may as if by magic, become a stellar moment in the triumph of their knowledge, intelligence, responsiveness, freedom of thought, intuition, in the triumph over laziness, passivity, ignorance.

His finest hour of victory here have met dozens, maybe hundreds of kids from all over Russia. And still no end of willing to test themselves on the world, the whole country. And each party can still boast a long time in front of their peers wonderful prizes from generous sponsors, received here for his victory, or simply a will to win.

Re: Which languages do you know?

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2009 10:33 pm
by Derek Hazell
Phil Reynolds wrote:I can't, but Google Language Tools can. Here's it's pretty good attempt at the main chunk of text
Thank you, Phil.

That doesn't really tell us much about the actual game. I'll see if I can find out some more from her next time we speak.

Re: Which languages do you know?

Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2009 8:01 am
by Karen Pearson
Derek Hazell wrote:Can Karen Pearson or Andy Thomson or anyone else read any of this?
Not me! Sorry, Russian isn't one of my languages. The only reference I made to Russian was that it is just about possible to get by in Portugal by speaking Spanish with a Russian accent (because that's pretty much what Portuguese sounds like to me). Although reading Portuguese is a whole lot easier.

Re: Which languages do you know?

Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2009 9:34 am
by Sue Sanders
Derek Hazell wrote:Can Karen Pearson or Andy Thomson or anyone else read any of this?
I have a cousin who is fluent - I'll pass it on.

Re: Which languages do you know?

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 2:26 pm
by Miriam Nussbaum
The languages I know (for some definitions of "know") that aren't already on apterous are Hebrew ("Vowel, please!") and Finnish (which would also be impossible to play Countdown in, partially because of the vowel harmony – you'd need it to be consonants-only unlimited omelette or something – and you'd also need a pretty much infinite dictionary that included every inflected form of every word. So…yeah. T_T).

Thread necromancy, I know, but this topic looked like a fun one.

Re: Which languages do you know?

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2012 3:46 pm
by Francisco Segura
Derek Hazell wrote:Another one who went off the radar (an acronym that has made it into the dictionary) was Spanish Cifras y Letras contestant Francisco Segura.
Hey, I am here again!