Apterous League Championship

Official forum of apterous.org, the website which allows you to play against other people over the Internet.
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Maxine Silkstone
Posts: 98
Joined: Wed May 06, 2009 4:42 am
Location: Saudi Arabia

Re: Apterous League Championship

Post by Maxine Silkstone »

Andrew Feist wrote:
Andrew Feist wrote:Although I agree with Ben above that a semi-regular bunch of tournaments with striated flights would serve the purpose just as well, probably. (Unlike Ben, I'm willing to throw my hat in the ring to help organize such a thing.)
Let's see whether people want ratings-restricted tournaments, shall we?
Personally as a low rated player, I never even look at a thread involving the words tournament, challenge or league, so would never have spotted this link in here Andrew. Also I only get to these boards from Apterous's main page and therefore never stray into the rest of the Countdown forums.
But this kind of tournament you've set up over on Countdown pages seems much more attractive to me and less soul destroying.

Maybe other low rated/newer players are the same?

Perhaps you need to open a new topic for this here on the Apterous boards? Where us numpties can see it.
(Open=Overt Nerds, U1200=Modest Nerds, U1000=Aspiring Nerds, U800=Numpties)

And if Charlie is maybe considering an Item for a prize maybe a tennis racquet or a bucket of strawberries and clotted cream?
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