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Re: Bug reports

Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2010 5:01 pm
by Karen Pearson
Charlie Reams wrote:
Karen Pearson wrote:Talking of upgrades, I occasionally get a little box pop up and tell me that there is a Java update available. Am I supposed to implement these?
(I can feel the shoulders slumping and the heads shaking already! :) )
Yep, definitely. These are usually security updates which means you should install them ASAP. But the critical thing is to keep the browser up-to-date, especially if you like looking at naked ladies on the Internet.
LOL. Not as a rule. But I was writing a quiz once and wanted to double check the author of Black Beauty. That threw up some quite different intrepretations from mine!

Re: Bug reports

Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2010 7:40 pm
by Gavin Chipper
I think people are often fearful of upgrading to the latest version when the older version works fine for them, because changes are often worse.

Re: Bug reports

Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2010 7:51 pm
by Charlie Reams
Gavin Chipper wrote:I think people are often fearful of upgrading to the latest version when the older version works fine for them, because changes are often worse.
Yep, I can understand that. But ultimately broken features or whatever are less bad than security vulnerabilities.

Re: Bug reports

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2010 8:12 am
by Jon Corby
Charlie Reams wrote:especially if you like looking at naked ladies on the Internet.
What the hell? Got any links?

Re: Bug reports

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2010 2:15 pm
by Matt Morrison
I was thinking there should be some kind of differentiation between the aptochat messages for people signing in and people signing out, I was thinking a slightly lighter, less obvious, background colour when they are signing out. And then I realised it's easy - just remove the link from their name on the sign out messages. Of course, you can't view player's user profile tabs when they sign out anyway, so this is a bug rather than a straight up feature request. Though you could very slightly change the background colour too, I dunno.

Re: Bug reports

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2010 2:54 pm
by Charlie Reams
Matt Morrison wrote:I was thinking there should be some kind of differentiation between the aptochat messages for people signing in and people signing out, I was thinking a slightly lighter, less obvious, background colour when they are signing out. And then I realised it's easy - just remove the link from their name on the sign out messages. Of course, you can't view player's user profile tabs when they sign out anyway, so this is a bug rather than a straight up feature request. Though you could very slightly change the background colour too, I dunno.
Does Marcellus look like a bug? Then why you treat him like bug!

Re: Bug reports

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 7:27 pm
by Edwin Mead
From my profile page, when I click the 'overall rating' link (, it goes to a http 404 not found error.

Re: Bug reports

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 6:57 am
by Edwin Mead
Edwin Mead wrote:From my profile page, when I click the 'overall rating' link (, it goes to a http 404 not found error.
I've just seen the comments about this in the Feedback thread, which makes my post redundant.

Re: Bug reports

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 6:50 pm
by Kai Laddiman
Charlie Reams wrote:
Kai Laddiman wrote:In Greek, typing letters into the Note box displays the letters but does not recognise them as letters. The only way of inputting words is by clicking on the letters. Is this deliberate?
I'm not sure but it sounds like you're typing Latin characters which happen to look like Greek ones
I've just realised why I brought this up. Other characters, such as /"£, don't appear in the typing-in box but A-Z do. It can throw you off a bit if the letter appears in the typing-in box but not the Notes box.

Re: Bug reports

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 7:34 pm
by Jon Corby
Likes are broken?

When will they get unbroke?

Re: Bug reports

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2010 7:46 am
by Karen Pearson
Life is so unfair! I can't LIKE malt loaf even if I wanted to!


I think I might take c4countdown to the court of human rights because I can't exercise my democratic right to like or dislike something.

Re: Bug reports

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2010 7:12 pm
by Ian Volante
Just spotted that the high scores for tie-break games are slightly broken, in that it's possible to set up a custom game in a TB format and have it counted, a la the current high score!

Re: Bug reports

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2010 7:39 pm
by Charlie Reams
Ian Volante wrote:Just spotted that the high scores for tie-break games are slightly broken, in that it's possible to set up a custom game in a TB format and have it counted, a la the current high score!
Yeah, I've thought about this for a long time and never really bothered to do anything about it. Maybe one day.

Re: Bug reports

Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 5:48 pm
by Ben Wilson
On this page it says 93 ODE 2-letter words have been pencilled. However, on this page it states that there are only 90 2-letter words in the ODE. Have some been pencilled in in error and subsequently removed?

Re: Bug reports

Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 6:19 pm
by Charlie Reams
Ben Wilson wrote:On this page it says 93 ODE 2-letter words have been pencilled. However, on this page it states that there are only 90 2-letter words in the ODE. Have some been pencilled in in error and subsequently removed?
Either that or three words got double-pencilled.

Re: Bug reports

Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 6:22 pm
by Michael Wallace
Charlie Reams wrote:
Ben Wilson wrote:On this page it says 93 ODE 2-letter words have been pencilled. However, on this page it states that there are only 90 2-letter words in the ODE. Have some been pencilled in in error and subsequently removed?
Either that or three words got double-pencilled.
DP on apterous? You suck fuck.

Re: Bug reports

Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 6:26 pm
by Miriam Nussbaum
Today's duel keeps saying that everyone who plays it is ranked "#1 out of 0"; won't let me view my own game (saying that you have to have played the duel to view it…which I have); and when I logged out and came back in, it gave me the challenge for it again.

Re: Bug reports

Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 9:00 pm
by Lesley Hines
Today's Duel format is Unlimited Junior, but it's given me the Aegilops rules. Jus' sayin' :)

Re: Bug reports

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 7:48 am
by Ben Wilson
Charlie Reams wrote:
Ben Wilson wrote:On this page it says 93 ODE 2-letter words have been pencilled. However, on this page it states that there are only 90 2-letter words in the ODE. Have some been pencilled in in error and subsequently removed?
Either that or three words got double-pencilled.
Ah, not thought about that- raises a few interesting questions/feature requests though. 'Number of words per length per dictionary that haven't been pencilled' is the one that immediately springs to mind.

Re: Bug reports

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 8:58 am
by Karen Pearson
Hi. User search doesn't seem to be working properly on Apterous. Not a major issue but I thought I'd mention it.

Re: Bug reports

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 7:44 am
by Karen Pearson
I think Portuguese conundrums might be broke. Fairly irrelevant to me as I've not solved a single one so far but I won't be able to finish the game without doing it.


Re: Bug reports

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 6:11 pm
by Kirk Bevins
Karen Pearson wrote:I think Portuguese conundrums might be broke. Fairly irrelevant to me as I've not solved a single one so far but I won't be able to finish the game without doing it.

What are you doing using Internet Explorer?

Re: Bug reports

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 10:03 am
by Matt Morrison
Shame about likes being down Kirk. You know how to touch me.

Re: Bug reports

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 3:45 pm
by James Doohan
Recently conundrums duels have died on me after the first round and only the first round, when I logged into today and saw todays duel the same happened, anywho, here's what the error tracker was showing

ClientGame1222 [CXPLAY]: util.Channelplexer$SpinException: Span 9 times waiting for conundrum, aborting.

Re: Bug reports

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 5:50 pm
by Ian Volante
I just got warnings about the applet's digital signature, which hasn't happened before. Is this unexpected?

Re: Bug reports

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 5:59 pm
by Matt Morrison
Ian Volante wrote:I just got warnings about the applet's digital signature, which hasn't happened before. Is this unexpected?
I installed the latest Java update this morning, 6u22, and am getting no such warnings (on Windows 7 x64 / Firefox). Shrug.

Re: Bug reports

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 6:12 pm
by Ian Volante
Matt Morrison wrote:
Ian Volante wrote:I just got warnings about the applet's digital signature, which hasn't happened before. Is this unexpected?
I installed the latest Java update this morning, 6u22, and am getting no such warnings (on Windows 7 x64 / Firefox). Shrug.
Updating now...

...telling the Yahoo toolbar to fuck off...

...vague surprise at removal of manual update option from Java console...

...and there are still warning messages. Apparently a digital signature has expired.

Re: Bug reports

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 8:04 pm
by Charlie Reams
The applet isn't signed so... I have no idea.

Re: Bug reports

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 10:18 pm
by Ian Volante
Charlie Reams wrote:The applet isn't signed so... I have no idea.
Weird, I'll try to glean more info.

Re: Bug reports

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2010 11:27 pm
by James Hall
I'm having real trouble with the chat - sometimes I just can't get a cursor to appear in it (and typing doesn't yield a result). I'm running on a Mac - is that likely to make a difference?

Re: Bug reports

Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2010 12:10 pm
by Graeme Cole
James Hall wrote:I'm having real trouble with the chat - sometimes I just can't get a cursor to appear in it (and typing doesn't yield a result). I'm running on a Mac - is that likely to make a difference?
I'm using Linux, but I get the same thing when there's another Java window open, e.g. the game window. I find if I minimise all other apterous windows I can get the cursor to appear, but you might have to minimise and unminimise the chat window as well. I've assumed this is a Java thing rather than specifically an apterous thing.

Re: Bug reports

Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2010 6:33 pm
by James Doohan
Got awarded no items in this game, which considering I got the conundrum and over one hundred points I should have got at least two items

Re: Bug reports

Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2010 6:48 pm
by James Doohan
James Doohan wrote:Got awarded no items in this game, which considering I got the conundrum and over one hundred points I should have got at least two items
Hmmm, seems to be a one off just.......... :? :?:

Re: Bug reports

Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2010 8:24 pm
by Ben Hunter
Just noticed is missing.

Re: Bug reports

Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2010 11:15 pm
by Charlie Reams
Ben Hunter wrote:Just noticed is missing.

Re: Bug reports

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2010 10:38 am
by JimBentley
Not really a bug, just an aesthetic issue (but I know how important these are to Matt what with his font-fetishism and all that):

In Lexplorer, when you Lexplore a word and the initial results appear, they're all in sexy Calibri, like so:


But then if you expand a section, e.g. to find out who owns the pencil, it all turns into Times New Roman, thus:


Luckily I was able to look away in time so my eyes weren't harmed too much, but the incident left me quite shaken.

Re: Bug reports

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2010 10:41 am
by Matt Morrison
Yup, it's on Charlie's list Jim! Thanks for the screenshots though, always nice to give everyone a comparison between The Real Apterous and the fake one. ;)

Re: Bug reports

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 12:35 am
by Andrew Feist
Getting messages that look a lot like:

Could not establish database connection...
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /media/logdisk/www/epoch.php:1) in /media/logdisk/www/ on line 62

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /media/logdisk/www/epoch.php:1) in /media/logdisk/www/ on line 63

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /media/logdisk/www/epoch.php:1) in /media/logdisk/www/ on line 136

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /media/logdisk/www/epoch.php:1) in /media/logdisk/www/ on line 137

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /media/logdisk/www/epoch.php:1) in /media/logdisk/www/ on line 282

and log-in never happens.

Re: Bug reports

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 10:41 am
by Karen Pearson
It's doing this again! And, yes, I am on IE8 (and yes, Kirk, I'm sure I should be using something else!). It's been doing it since about Thursday/Friday-ish.


Re: Bug reports

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 4:39 pm
by Rhys Benjamin
Not really a bug as such, but Richard Brittain is on there and it's blatantly obvious that he's playing himself.


Dan Abrey: massive influx of new people this afternoon, what's going on?
Dan Abrey: breening
Rhys Benjamin: Richard Brittain
Adam Gillard: Mrs Hurst had another child perhaps
Jon Wells: beginne
Jon Wells: lol damn
James Lucas: some guy on countdown mentioned online play
James Lucas: hence i'm here
Adam Gillard: was it Rakhz Hurst?
Sandy Lucas entered the room!
James Lucas: hi mum
Adam Gillard: aww
Sandy Lucas is playing James Lucas in a 15 Rounder. [Spectate]
James Nguyen: haha
Rhys Benjamin: Hmmm. That doesn't explain Gandalf Greybeard and Wizard Munch-Ahoy.
Chris Blewitt beat Rebecca Jeffcock 56-42 in a 15 Rounder. Chris posted a new personal best!
James Nguyen: why the hell do you care?
James Nguyen: Chris nice
Chris Blewitt left the room.
Rhys Benjamin: I'm fed up with Richard Brittain because he's got my initials.
Adam Gillard: Gandalf Greybeard is definitely a real name... but Blewitt and Jeffcock - I'm not so sure
James Nguyen beat Ed. Egholm 78-43 in a 15 Rounder.
James Nguyen: haha
Rhys Benjamin: I know Blewitt exists; I've met him!
Ed. Egholm left the room.
Adam Gillard completed his Top Dog game. He lasted 15 rounds!
Rhys Benjamin: No thanks
Jon Wells: im sure jeffcock was on tv recently
Adam Gillard: dualisers?
Rebecca Jeffcock is playing James Nguyen in a 15 Rounder. [Spectate]
Rakhz Hurst left the room.
Dan Abrey left the room.
Dan Abrey entered the room!
Dan Abrey: does anyone know how long it takes for superstats to be enabled generally?
Innis Carson completed his Top Dog game. He lasted 33 rounds!
Rakhz Hurst entered the room!
Adam Gillard: Rakhz, are you related to Josh and Jack Hurst?
Rakhz Hurst: no sorry just inspired by them :)
Tom Rowell beat Apterous Plum 72-71 in a 15 Rounder.
Dan Abrey: Rakhz, click accept if you want to rejoin the game
Dan Abrey and Rakhz Hurst resumed their game. [Spectate]
Adam Gillard: so is Hurst not your real surname?
Dan Abrey: Wow, Hurst fan club
Apterous Prune is playing Tom Rowell in a 15 Rounder. [Spectate]
Adam Gillard completed his Top Dog game. He lasted 5 rounds!
Apterous Prune is playing Matthew Tassier in a Spoilage Numbers Attack. [Spectate]
Adam Gillard: wahey 5 rounds!
Rhys Benjamin: This is....... weird
James Nguyen left the room.
Dan Abrey: Hey, can trial members play foreign variants?
James Nguyen entered the room!
Rakhz Hurst: what happened? :S
Rhys Benjamin: Wizard, or Richard Brittain, i know you're there...
Dan Abrey left the room.
Rebecca Jeffcock and James Nguyen resumed their game. [Spectate]
Phil Collinge beat Robert Pajab 72-60 in a 15 Rounder.
Dan Abrey entered the room!
Rhys Benjamin: Dan, yes (we played hebrew earlier)
Dan Abrey and Rakhz Hurst resumed their game. [Spectate]
Dan Abrey: Yes, that's why I ask, sure I've tried with a trial member before and it's said no
Dan Abrey: Yes, that's why I ask, sure I've tried with a trial member before and it's said no
Adam Gillard: hmm I thought so too
Dan Abrey: unless its just languages that's allowed
Adam Gillard: I thought trial members can only play normal rules 30 second rounds
Chris Blewitt entered the room!
Rhys Benjamin: Yes, that's true, but we can do other languages.
Rob Foster entered the room!
Rhys Benjamin: and attacks
Phil Collinge is playing Chris Blewitt in a 15 Rounder. [Spectate]
Adam Gillard: ok didn't know that

Sort of went off track after that....

A bit later:

Wizard Munch-ahoy is playing Gandalf Greybeard in a 15 Rounder. [Spectate]

Re: Bug reports

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 4:40 pm
by Charlie Reams
Don't post this shit in Bug reports please.

Re: Bug reports

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 4:49 pm
by Rhys Benjamin
Does that mean we need a new topic with "Richard Brittain problems"?

Re: Bug reports

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 4:56 pm
by Michael Wallace
Rhys Benjamin wrote:Does that mean we need a new topic with "Richard Brittain problems"?
I'm not sure a single topic would be enough...

Re: Bug reports

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 4:58 pm
by Rhys Benjamin
Michael Wallace wrote:
Rhys Benjamin wrote:Does that mean we need a new topic with "Richard Brittain problems"?
I'm not sure a single topic would be enough...

Re: Bug reports

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2010 1:37 am
by Andrew Feist
I feel like I've seen this bug pointed out (and despaired about) before, but anyway:

When resuming an adjourned game, I often get the following after the first resumed round:
ClientGame1147 [CXPLAY]: java.lang.ClassCastException: java.util.ArrayList cannot be cast to [;
Thread-34 [Subscribe failure]: java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.Character cannot be cast to java.util.List

Re: Bug reports

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2010 10:02 am
by Karen Pearson
It's doing this again with Portuguese conundrums. The last one was suddenly do-able after about 3 or 4 days.

And I'm in with a chance of the high score with this one! (But I wouldn't waste any money down at William Hill!)


Re: Bug reports

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2010 3:38 pm
by Rhys Benjamin
A player comes up in the player list before this is mentioned in the chat.

Re: Bug reports

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2010 4:12 pm
by Charlie Reams
Rhys Benjamin wrote:A player comes up in the player list before this is mentioned in the chat.
I think you should not post in this thread any more.

Re: Bug reports

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2010 4:13 pm
by Rhys Benjamin
Charlie Reams wrote:
Rhys Benjamin wrote:A player comes up in the player list before this is mentioned in the chat.
I think you should not post in this thread any more.

That was one bug report that you might have taken seriously...

Re: Bug reports

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2010 4:54 pm
by Ian Volante
Rhys Benjamin wrote:
Charlie Reams wrote:
Rhys Benjamin wrote:A player comes up in the player list before this is mentioned in the chat.
I think you should not post in this thread any more.

That was one bug report that you might have taken seriously...
Rhys, things can't all happen at once.

Re: Bug reports

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2010 1:21 pm
by Rhys Benjamin
The help for unlimited Junior is actually the help for aegilops.

Re: Bug reports

Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2010 7:52 am
by Jennifer Bett
Internet Explorer cannot display the web page. Please diagnose connection problems


Re: Bug reports

Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2010 9:05 am
by James Doohan
Jennifer Bett wrote:Internet Explorer cannot display the web page. Please diagnose connection problems

The website is down Jennifer

Re: Bug reports

Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2010 9:04 pm
by Matt Bayfield
Apologies if this is already a known issue, but since I can't find any evidence of it having been reported:

Underneath the "Format" and "Nines" tabs of Users' pages, where there should be data for the last 30 days, there is no data. Instead there is the message:

Query failed in gen mode [], please report as a bug to

Also, the "disallowed words" is on holiday, although since I never normally look at that tab, I don't know how long that's been the case, and I assume it's deliberately on holiday rather than a bug.

[Edit: problem is now fixed. Ta Charlie.]

Re: Bug reports

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2010 8:39 am
by Karen Pearson

Here I was, having already claimed the Portuguese 15 record and then I hit the Portuguese conundrum crashing problem. It didn't do it on the previous game when I needed the conundrum for the record. Why is it doing this to me?? :(

Here's what happens when it crashes too..


Re: Bug reports

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2010 11:54 am
by Michael Wallace
Feature request: error boxes should come up in the language of the game being played.

Re: Bug reports

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2010 12:03 pm
by Ian Volante
Michael Wallace wrote:Feature request: error boxes should come up in the language of the game being played.
Surely using the language of the person playing the game would make more sense?

Re: Bug reports

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2010 5:23 pm
by Ben Wilson
It says on this game's page that it's been excluded due to a bug but it still appears on the fastest conundrums page?

Re: Bug reports

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2010 4:43 pm
by Lesley Hines
James has highlighted 'wecast' is valid on apterous but it's not in the nODE2r. Cheers :)

Re: Bug reports

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2010 5:33 pm
by Adam Gillard
What normally happens [if you want to skip the life story and get to the java message, just see the bottom line]: When I start Firefox (from it having been quit/restarted) and try to get on to the apterous game, it takes about 5 minutes to do the initial log-in, then I have to play test games with Prune to kick the game into action. I normally play one or two letters rounds to warm it up, then I have to get a conundrum right, wait for the game to disappear because it didn't register it on the scoreboard, then log out or start a new Prune test game, get another conundrum right (the second time it does register), then I have to get a conundrum wrong twice as well (same process) before the game finally functions normally. I don't know why, probably something to do with my useless Mac Java, which still has this problem (which has been going on for ages) in its latest incarnation (I installed an update a couple of days ago). Normally I get around these teething problems by simply logging out and in whenever the game freezes, and then playing normally once the game is functioning properly. As long as I don't quit or restart my internet browser from that point forward, I have no log-in or functionality problems with the game.

What's happening now: It only lets me have one successful log-in from the point where I start my internet browser (from it having been quit/restarted). This means that to get through the necessary warm-up conundrums (which are totally necessary for the game to function normally), I have to use all 3 of my allocated games with the bots (to have 2 failed games that freeze and disappear on my first correct and first incorrect conundrum responses). If I try to log out and back in as I normally do, it now comes up with the message below (on any attempt bar the first one). This is a real hassle. If you need the whole console data, I can do that too.

Login failed: java.lang.NullPointerException