"Frustrated by the programme marginalising her sexuality."

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Re: "Frustrated by the programme marginalising her sexuality."

Post by Matt Morrison »

As you can see, none of us are perfect. I probably should have just sent that whole thing to you in a private message! :)
Kathleen Batlle
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Re: "Frustrated by the programme marginalising her

Post by Kathleen Batlle »

Matt Morrison wrote:
Kathleen Batlle wrote:I haven't yet worked out how to quote just a piece of the message I'm commenting on. No doubt someone will tell me now.
You must be thinking it's more complicated than it is Kathleen, as all you need to do is... well, just delete the bits of the text you don't want!
For example, from your quote above I just removed "Sorry I had to 'quote' everything in that last post, but".

The only potentially complicated bit is working out the structure of quotes within quotes, so I hope this helps. The following code:

Code: Select all

[quote="Person A"] Person A said this [/quote]
[quote="Person B"] Person B said this
[quote="Person C"] and this is Person C's reply[/quote]
(it's in a code box so that it doesn't actually appear as quotes like it does below!) will produce:
Person A wrote: Person A said this
Person B wrote: Person B said this
Person C wrote: and this is Person C's reply
As you can see, Person C's reply was 'nested' inside Person B's message because the
for Person B had not yet ended (it ends after Person C's [/quote] ends)[/quote]
Thanks Matt, but I think I'm even more confused now. Sorry folks! I'll see what I can do next time.
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Re: "Frustrated by the programme marginalising her sexuality."

Post by Nicky »

Try using the preview button and trial and error. :)
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Ian Fitzpatrick
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Re: "Frustrated by the programme marginalising her sexuality."

Post by Ian Fitzpatrick »

Nicky wrote:Try using the preview button and trial and error. :)
I don't find the Preview button of any help, it just shows the the same as the Post box, I would expect it to show the effects of the html. Maybe there's something wrong with my set up?
I thought I was good at Countdown until I joined this forum
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Matt Morrison
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Re: "Frustrated by the programme marginalising her sexuality."

Post by Matt Morrison »

Ian Fitzpatrick wrote:
Nicky wrote:Try using the preview button and trial and error. :)
I don't find the Preview button of any help, it just shows the the same as the Post box, I would expect it to show the effects of the html. Maybe there's something wrong with my set up?
The chances of it being a problem your end are massively remote. The post box still appears (obviously, so you can edit message again based on the preview). The preview is just above.
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George Jenkins
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Re: "Frustrated by the programme marginalising her

Post by George Jenkins »

George Jenkins wrote:
Kathleen Batlle wrote:This is a really interesting thread and I've just read through it all from the beginning. I must admit that I didn't take too much notice of it before, but enjoy a really good debate. I love George's stories about his life and, Phil, what a very nice voice you've got. I've actually met, and made friends with, many homosexual people over the years, especially when I was working for a well-known holiday company on the coast here in Spain. We had such fun over the years I worked there as I found homosexual men, especially, to be so extrovert and entertaining. I really should have written a book as some of the escapades were hilarious and in complete contrast to the 15 years I spent working as a secretary in a bank in UK before I came here. I just love interesting people no matter what their sexual orientation is, in fact one of my best friends here is a very camp homosexual who has been with his partner for over 45 years. He's had one of the most interesting lives of any of my friends, from being a dancer in West End shows to a drag artist in a tourist show at a hotel here, and still, at our age he can have me in absolute stitches.
Sorry! I pressed the wrong button

I actually thought Kate was an interesting character and wasn't in the least concerned about the fact that she is a lesbian. I've been very happily married for 37 years and people are just people to me, some nice, some not so nice, some warm, some not so warm, but people, the same as me.
Hannah O
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Re: "Frustrated by the programme marginalising her sexuality."

Post by Hannah O »

Back on topic, with the whole "Charlie wasn't very nice" allegation...

I saw a man in Oxford today who I thought was Charlie Reams. I believe he was walking with an attractive woman. I couldn't recall how much facial hair Charlie has. I think that the doppleganger was missing either the goatee or moustache part of the ensemble. However, I did wonder whether it was Charlie, before trying to remember where he goes to university. Then I concluded that he would not be in Oxford today, either because he hates them with a passion or because he had no reason to be in Oxford.

Oh, and I like quote!
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Re: "Frustrated by the programme marginalising her sexuality."

Post by Charlie Reams »

Hannah O wrote:Back on topic, with the whole "Charlie wasn't very nice" allegation...

I saw a man in Oxford today who I thought was Charlie Reams. I believe he was walking with an attractive woman. I couldn't recall how much facial hair Charlie has. I think that the doppleganger was missing either the goatee or moustache part of the ensemble. However, I did wonder whether it was Charlie, before trying to remember where he goes to university. Then I concluded that he would not be in Oxford today, either because he hates them with a passion or because he had no reason to be in Oxford.

Oh, and I like quote!
I've actually never been to Oxford, but you're not far off, because to celebrate being 23 I've decided to lose the beard, and of course I'm often to be seen with attractive women.
Hannah O
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Re: "Frustrated by the programme marginalising her sexuality."

Post by Hannah O »

Well, I can see why you're surrounded by attractive women.
Would it go something like this?

Attractive woman: Hello handsome.
You: Hey. (playing it cool.)
Woman: Do you come here often?
You: Yes.
Woman: I see. What's your name? (asking so that she can do research on this handsome new man)
You: Charlie Reams.
[Later that night]
Woman: (using google) Charlie Reams...what's this? apterous.org? (clicks)
[The following afternoon]
Charlie: (is slightly put off by the woman being hysterical) What?
Woman: I discovered your Countdown simulator and spent 15 hours playing it straight! I've had 30 minutes of sleep!
Charlie: (to himself) Looks like that's another girlfriend gained by my devilish good looks, my ice-cool personality and the fact that I'm a Countdown genius who made apterous.org

Is that not right? :P The beard was cool though.
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Re: "Frustrated by the programme marginalising her sexuality."

Post by Charlie Reams »

Haha. Pretty much that, yeah.
Hannah O
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Re: "Frustrated by the programme marginalising her sexuality."

Post by Hannah O »

Great, I was right for once! :D
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Re: "Frustrated by the programme marginalising her sexuality."

Post by david dawson »

Charlie Reams wrote:Haha. Pretty much that, yeah.
Fucking bastard poofter melon arse. :o :shock: :lol:

I love the way we can say what we want here. :mrgreen: And then claim it was all a funny joke thing.
Gary Male
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Re: "Frustrated by the programme marginalising her sexuality."

Post by Gary Male »

david dawson wrote:Something stupid, moronic and offensive

I love the way we can say what we want here. :mrgreen: And then claim it was all a funny joke thing.
Fuck off. Fuck right off. I love the way we can say what we want here. :mrgreen: And then claim it's exactly what I meant.
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Matt Morrison
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Re: "Frustrated by the programme marginalising her sexuality."

Post by Matt Morrison »

Hannah O wrote:Woman: OMG CHARLIE I LOVE YOU.
Real women don't actually say "OMG" which leads me to believe this true-to-life encounter must've happened on the Internet, probably some seedy chat room, right Charlie? ;)
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Charlie Reams
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Re: "Frustrated by the programme marginalising her sexuality."

Post by Charlie Reams »

Matt Morrison wrote:
Hannah O wrote:Woman: OMG CHARLIE I LOVE YOU.
Real women don't actually say "OMG" which leads me to believe this true-to-life encounter must've happened on the Internet, probably some seedy chat room, right Charlie? ;)
I say OMG quite a lot, as well as IMO and IRL. But I'm probably not representative of most women.
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Kirk Bevins
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Re: "Frustrated by the programme marginalising her sexuality."

Post by Kirk Bevins »

Hannah O wrote:Well, I can see why you're surrounded by attractive women.
Would it go something like this?

Attractive woman: Hello handsome.
You: Hey. (playing it cool.)
Woman: Do you come here often?
You: Yes.
Woman: I see. What's your name? (asking so that she can do research on this handsome new man)
You: Charlie Reams.
[Later that night]
Woman: (using google) Charlie Reams...what's this? apterous.org? (clicks)
[The following afternoon]
Charlie: (is slightly put off by the woman being hysterical) What?
Woman: I discovered your Countdown simulator and spent 15 hours playing it straight! I've had 30 minutes of sleep!
Charlie: (to himself) Looks like that's another girlfriend gained by my devilish good looks, my ice-cool personality and the fact that I'm a Countdown genius who made apterous.org

Is that not right? :P The beard was cool though.
Oh my god - this is a come on if ever I saw one! I wish I had girls say they're impressed with my devilish good looks. I can only dream....
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Matt Morrison
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Re: "Frustrated by the programme marginalising her sexuality."

Post by Matt Morrison »

Charlie Reams wrote:I say OMG quite a lot, as well as IMO and IRL. But I'm probably not representative of most women.
I imagine if you were I'd probably be getting laid more often :)
I doubt it will mean much to any of you, but you reminded me of a classic moment from Dog Bites Man: "FYI, my cousin HG from DC is a PA for BET, so I'm gonna need the CD ASAP OK?"
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George Jenkins
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Re: "Frustrated by the programme marginalising her sexuality."

Post by George Jenkins »

Jason Larsen wrote:I'll just call you Bobby as a nickname, George!
Hi Jason,
I did answer your last message regarding the difference between American and British cultures, but it took so long to send, I gave up and cancelled it. I'm trying this link, so ignore any heading it comes under.

Re. those remarks that I made were quotes from a book written by an American. Bill Bryson, and his book was called "Notes from a small Island". I really enjoyed reading it and it was voted the best book that was representative of Britain and the people. Bill spent twenty years working over here, and before he went back to the States, he made one last tour of Britain and wrote the book. If you could obtain it I'm sure that you would enjoy reading it. One last thought to dwell on. Winston Churchill was of the opinion that America and Britain were two countries divided by a common language. I haven't worked out yet what that means.
All the best Jason
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Kate Richardson
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Re: "Frustrated by the programme marginalising her sexuality."

Post by Kate Richardson »

For many reasons I’ve decided not to post, but for a summary see below.

My partner sara (not sarah) had a fall recently and damaged her eyes further, this, her sight loss (oh yeah something else the production team neglected to mention, her partner sara is not just a lesbian, she’s blind, how we laughed!), the trivia, other more pressing issues have led me to the momentous decision not to post any more.

Any hoo, enjoy your meandering among the leafy lanes of “the issues” below feel free to misquote, misrepresent (track the posters) , misinterpret, take the piss out of and be plain offensive about but above all else remember the key thing,,,ENJOY COUNTDOWN !......my aged aunt got up at 5 in the morning just to watch me lose ! Remember your audience, bye, bye lots of love kate richardson

PS I’ve not included the really sexist ones about mangey c***ts these were random from one thread which I’m sure are bleeding hilarious but not to me…ta ta

Fucking bastard poofter melon arse.

I love the way we can say what we want here. And then claim it was all a funny joke thing.

david dawson
Post subject: Re: "Frustrated by the programme marginalising her sexuality."
Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2009 10:23 pm


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Charlie Reams wrote:
Haha. Pretty much that, yeah.

Fucking bastard poofter melon arse.

I love the way we can say what we want here. And then claim it was all a funny joke thing.

Martin Gardner wrote:
I reckon I've had about 8 gay friends (that I knew about) over the years.

Considering part of your post was debating the definition of 'friend', you might have wanted to rephrase that first sentence.
Couple of Rohypnol jokes to be made too.
Charlie Reams
Post subject: Re: "Frustrated by the programme marginalising her sexuality."
Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 1:19 am

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db stevens wrote:
I had a look at the countdown forum and Mr Charlie Reams, who seems to be in charge there, accuses someone of being a racist poofter. Perhaps he’d be kind enough to oblige, or retract his remarks. What’s good for the goose etc etc

I've replied to this particularly moronic post as politely as I could manage. I like how he's tried to ironically quote my own words back at me, even though "kind enough to oblige" doesn't make any sense in his own sentence.

Btw I'm assuming it's a "he" because I'm a sexist poofter.

I've replied to this particularly moronic post as politely as I could manage. I like how he's tried to ironically quote my own words back at me, even though "kind enough to oblige" doesn't make any sense in his own sentence.

Btw I'm assuming it's a "he" because I'm a sexist poofter.

Rosemary Roberts
Post subject: Re: "Frustrated by the programme marginalising her
Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 12:47 pm


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david dawson wrote:
It's all kicked off here hasn't it? Everyone seems to be bending over forwards trying to prove how friendly they are to the gayers. And all because Charlie was rude to the lesbians. Who'd have thought it?

Basically, most of us don't categorise people according to how straight they are but according to how stupid they are. And the wilfully stupid are in a class of their own even further from the mainstream.

Phil Reynolds
Post subject: Re: "Frustrated by the programme marginalising her sexuality."
Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 12:51 pm


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david dawson wrote:
Everyone seems to be bending over forwards trying to prove how friendly they are to the gayers.

Charlie's description of you on the Lesbilicious site becomes more apt with every post you make.

david dawson
Post subject: Re: "Frustrated by the programme marginalising her sexuality."
Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 1:03 pm


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Phil Reynolds wrote:
david dawson wrote:
Everyone seems to be bending over forwards trying to prove how friendly they are to the gayers.

Charlie's description of you on the Lesbilicious site becomes more apt with every post you make.

I know, he's very good isn't he?

Matt Morrison
Post subject: Re: "Frustrated by the programme marginalising her sexuality."
Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 1:05 pm


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it's admittedly leftfield, but has anyone gone for the kate richardson = david dawson theory yet?

david dawson
Post subject: Re: "Frustrated by the programme marginalising her sexuality."
Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 4:16 pm


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Matt Morrison wrote:
it's admittedly leftfield, but has anyone gone for the kate richardson = david dawson theory yet?

You crazy old poofter you.

Matt Morrison
Post subject: Re: "Frustrated by the programme marginalising her sexuality."
Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 8:08 pm


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Ian Fitzpatrick wrote:
division (the symbol that only Charlie can do)

suck my ÷÷÷÷

Matt Morrison
Post subject: Re: "Frustrated by the programme marginalising her
Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 10:57 pm


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Kathleen Batlle wrote:
I haven't yet worked out how to quote just a piece of the message I'm commenting on. No doubt someone will tell me now.

You must be thinking it's more complicated than it is Kathleen, as all you need to do is... well, just delete the bits of the text you don't want!
For example, from your quote above I just removed "Sorry I had to 'quote' everything in that last post, but".

The only potentially complicated bit is working out the structure of quotes within quotes, so I hope this helps. The following code:
Person A wrote: Person A said this
Person B wrote: Person B said this
Person C wrote: and this is Person C's reply
(it's in a code box so that it doesn't actually appear as quotes like it does below!) will produce:
Person A wrote:
Person A said this

Person B wrote:
Person B said this
Person C wrote:
and this is Person C's reply

As you can see, Person C's reply was 'nested' inside Person B's message because the [/quote] for Person B had not yet ended (it ends after Person C's [/quote] ends)
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Ben Hunter
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Re: "Frustrated by the programme marginalising her sexuality."

Post by Ben Hunter »

Kirk Bevins wrote:
Hannah O wrote:Well, I can see why you're surrounded by attractive women.
Would it go something like this?

Attractive woman: Hello handsome.
You: Hey. (playing it cool.)
Woman: Do you come here often?
You: Yes.
Woman: I see. What's your name? (asking so that she can do research on this handsome new man)
You: Charlie Reams.
[Later that night]
Woman: (using google) Charlie Reams...what's this? apterous.org? (clicks)
[The following afternoon]
Charlie: (is slightly put off by the woman being hysterical) What?
Woman: I discovered your Countdown simulator and spent 15 hours playing it straight! I've had 30 minutes of sleep!
Charlie: (to himself) Looks like that's another girlfriend gained by my devilish good looks, my ice-cool personality and the fact that I'm a Countdown genius who made apterous.org

Is that not right? :P The beard was cool though.
Oh my god - this is a come on if ever I saw one!
It's an invitation for receiving a restraining order if I ever saw one.
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Re: "Frustrated by the programme marginalising her sexuality."

Post by Ben Hunter »

Kate Richardson wrote:lol
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Matt Morrison
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Re: "Frustrated by the programme marginalising her sexuality."

Post by Matt Morrison »

Ben Hunter wrote:
Kate Richardson wrote:lol
What's the word for when you've got your mouth open in disbelief and your laughing internally?
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Jason Larsen
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Re: "Frustrated by the programme marginalising her sexuality."

Post by Jason Larsen »

No problem, George!
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Re: "Frustrated by the programme marginalising her sexuality."

Post by Nicky »

Hi Kate

Firstly, I hope Sara recovers from her fall soon.

Your last post made very little sense I'm afraid. You've quoted random things from this thread? A thread that was started AFTER you accused the forumites of homophobic comments. And some of the posts were so clearly unoffensive (notably the ones about how to post a quote - which you clearly haven't taken on board!), that we can't tell which are the ones you actually do find offensive, or why.

AFAICS, you were welcomed to the forum, and, both here and on TV, your sexuality was seen as no more or less relevant than anyone else's! WE DON'T CARE that you are a lesbian or Phil is gay, anymore more than we care that Jon has ginger hair, or that you, Jason and many other forumites wear glasses. It doesn't matter to us. THAT is why you feel marginalised. Not because we're homophobic, but because we aren't treating you with kid gloves, because we don't think it's relevant! Everyone who posts something dumb or contraversial gets jumped on. It's that sort of forum. But if you assume the insults are to do with your gender/sexual preference/colour/whatever, it is YOU who is making an issue of it. If you don't like the forum, fine. But you have made a serious accusation which appears to be unfounded.
If you have a genuine complaint about homophobia on these forums - show us where it occured. Use punctuation and quotations so that we can understand what you are saying, and I suspect that you will get a far more satisfactory response.

I could actually get offended by YOUR post. Let me show you:
Kate Richardson wrote: her partner sara is not just a lesbian, she’s blind, how we laughed!),
I have a friend who is gradually losing her sight. How DARE you laugh at the blind? What a horrible thing to do!
I have friends who are lesbians. How DARE you insinuate that lesbianism is a misfortune, like blindness? You appear to be homophobic and disrespectful of the disabled community.

Quotations taken out of context are like statistics. You can get them to mean anything you like.
david dawson
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Re: "Frustrated by the programme marginalising her sexuality."

Post by david dawson »

Charlie Reams wrote:Haha. Pretty much that, yeah.
Charlie, she's definitely after your cock, if you've got one you fucking bastard poofter melon arse. 8-)
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Debbi Flack
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Re: "Frustrated by the programme marginalising her sexuality."

Post by Debbi Flack »

Nicky wrote:Hi Kate

Firstly, I hope Sara recovers from her fall soon.

Your last post made very little sense I'm afraid. You've quoted random things from this thread? A thread that was started AFTER you accused the forumites of homophobic comments. And some of the posts were so clearly unoffensive (notably the ones about how to post a quote - which you clearly haven't taken on board!), that we can't tell which are the ones you actually do find offensive, or why.

AFAICS, you were welcomed to the forum, and, both here and on TV, your sexuality was seen as no more or less relevant than anyone else's! WE DON'T CARE that you are a lesbian or Phil is gay, anymore more than we care that Jon has ginger hair, or that you, Jason and many other forumites wear glasses. It doesn't matter to us. THAT is why you feel marginalised. Not because we're homophobic, but because we aren't treating you with kid gloves, because we don't think it's relevant! Everyone who posts something dumb or contraversial gets jumped on. It's that sort of forum. But if you assume the insults are to do with your gender/sexual preference/colour/whatever, it is YOU who is making an issue of it. If you don't like the forum, fine. But you have made a serious accusation which appears to be unfounded.
If you have a genuine complaint about homophobia on these forums - show us where it occured. Use punctuation and quotations so that we can understand what you are saying, and I suspect that you will get a far more satisfactory response.

I could actually get offended by YOUR post. Let me show you:
Kate Richardson wrote: her partner sara is not just a lesbian, she’s blind, how we laughed!),
I have a friend who is gradually losing her sight. How DARE you laugh at the blind? What a horrible thing to do!
I have friends who are lesbians. How DARE you insinuate that lesbianism is a misfortune, like blindness? You appear to be homophobic and disrespectful of the disabled community.

Quotations taken out of context are like statistics. You can get them to mean anything you like.

Well said, that woman! I couldn't have put it better myself
She came, she saw - oh well, at least she tried!
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Charlie Reams
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Re: "Frustrated by the programme marginalising her sexuality."

Post by Charlie Reams »

If you want an example of how new users can post stuff that actually makes sense (with punctuation and everything!), see Nicky's post. If you want an example of how new users can make fools of themselves and embarrass the causes they stand for, see Kate Richardson's post.

One small clarification: I do care a little about the sexuality of people on here or on the programme, just like I care a little about what they look like, where they come from, etc. It doesn't colour my judgment of them at all, but it's part of the picture of the life they lead, and background stories are always interesting. However, the right place to talk about one's partner is exactly the same, regardless of sexual orientation, and in this case that means a short piece at the start of the programme, just like any other couple might get. Countdown approached this impeccably and, given the extreme provocation of Kate being such an obnoxious and self-absorbed illiterate idiot, I think the members of this forum have handled it pretty well too. No doubt "tolerance" (not a word I like) of homosexuality still has some way to go in this country, but a figurehead for it you sure as hell ain't.
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Ian Fitzpatrick
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Re: "Frustrated by the programme marginalising her sexuality."

Post by Ian Fitzpatrick »

Agreed (both previous posts)
Charlie's appeared in the short time I was writing "Agreed"!
Last edited by Ian Fitzpatrick on Sun Mar 01, 2009 9:36 am, edited 1 time in total.
I thought I was good at Countdown until I joined this forum
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Charlie Reams
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Re: "Frustrated by the programme marginalising her sexuality."

Post by Charlie Reams »

Addendum: David Dawson bids you all farewell on a fairly permanent basis.
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Phil Reynolds
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Re: "Frustrated by the programme marginalising her sexuality."

Post by Phil Reynolds »

Charlie Reams wrote:Addendum: David Dawson bids you all farewell on a fairly permanent basis.
Thank you for that, Charlie. And thank you, Nicky, for a brilliant post that says everything that needs to be said about Kate's incoherent rant.
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Re: "Frustrated by the programme marginalising her sexuality."

Post by Kirk Bevins »

Excellent post, Nicky. The best in this thread yet.
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Michael Wallace
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Re: "Frustrated by the programme marginalising her sexuality."

Post by Michael Wallace »

What the dick?

Seriously, I have no idea what's going on any more.
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Matt Morrison
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Re: "Frustrated by the programme marginalising her sexuality."

Post by Matt Morrison »

Major props to Nicky - that was an excellent post, constructed fantastically, and I'm fairly sure she speaks on behalf of everyone (worthwhile) here.

The only part of Kate's quote appearing properly being the bit where I was explaining to Kathleen how to quote - hilarious, I'm sure the irony was lost on no one.
Still can't work out if that was a deliberate inclusion, or if she was trying to suggest that because I'd helped Kathleen in this particular thread I was actually insinuating that no lesbians can quote properly?
If so, odd. But oddly prophetic hehe.

And thanks Charlie for removing that dawson thing. Couple of days too late probably but glad it's happened.

Normal service resumed then? ;)
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Martin Gardner
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Re: "Frustrated by the programme marginalising her sexuality."

Post by Martin Gardner »

david dawson wrote:
Charlie Reams wrote:Haha. Pretty much that, yeah.
Fucking bastard poofter melon arse. :o :shock: :lol:

I love the way we can say what we want here. :mrgreen: And then claim it was all a funny joke thing.
In that case can I say YOU'RE PRETTY FUCKING ANNOYING YOURSELF. Apparently Charlie's just banned you, so I'm pretty happy with that.
If you cut a gandiseeg in half, do you get two gandiseegs or two halves of a gandiseeg?
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Re: "Frustrated by the programme marginalising her sexuality."

Post by Ben Wilson »

Nicky wrote:Hi Kate

Firstly, I hope Sara recovers from her fall soon.

Your last post made very little sense I'm afraid. You've quoted random things from this thread? A thread that was started AFTER you accused the forumites of homophobic comments. And some of the posts were so clearly unoffensive (notably the ones about how to post a quote - which you clearly haven't taken on board!), that we can't tell which are the ones you actually do find offensive, or why.

AFAICS, you were welcomed to the forum, and, both here and on TV, your sexuality was seen as no more or less relevant than anyone else's! WE DON'T CARE that you are a lesbian or Phil is gay, anymore more than we care that Jon has ginger hair, or that you, Jason and many other forumites wear glasses. It doesn't matter to us. THAT is why you feel marginalised. Not because we're homophobic, but because we aren't treating you with kid gloves, because we don't think it's relevant! Everyone who posts something dumb or contraversial gets jumped on. It's that sort of forum. But if you assume the insults are to do with your gender/sexual preference/colour/whatever, it is YOU who is making an issue of it. If you don't like the forum, fine. But you have made a serious accusation which appears to be unfounded.
If you have a genuine complaint about homophobia on these forums - show us where it occured. Use punctuation and quotations so that we can understand what you are saying, and I suspect that you will get a far more satisfactory response.

I could actually get offended by YOUR post. Let me show you:
Kate Richardson wrote: her partner sara is not just a lesbian, she’s blind, how we laughed!),
I have a friend who is gradually losing her sight. How DARE you laugh at the blind? What a horrible thing to do!
I have friends who are lesbians. How DARE you insinuate that lesbianism is a misfortune, like blindness? You appear to be homophobic and disrespectful of the disabled community.

Quotations taken out of context are like statistics. You can get them to mean anything you like.
This is easily the best post in this thread and possibly the best post in c4c history not made by Jon Corby trying to antagonise someone else. Kudos! :)
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Re: "Frustrated by the programme marginalising her sexuality."

Post by Jason Larsen »

Charlie, why did you ban David Dawson?
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Re: "Frustrated by the programme marginalising her sexuality."

Post by Charlie Reams »

Jason Larsen wrote:Charlie, why did you ban David Dawson?
Because he keeps posting stupid offensive shit and never contributes anything worth reading.
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Re: "Frustrated by the programme marginalising her sexuality."

Post by Jason Larsen »

Martin told me that, Charlie. Thank you for letting me know.

Are you annoyed by this? Is that why you have been using some harsh words?

No offense. I know you're usually pretty rational. I'll talk to you again in a moment.
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Re: "Frustrated by the programme marginalising her sexuality."

Post by Ian Volante »

I was half-expecting a cogent post from Kate clarifying the issues at hand, and possibly supplying some sort of useful opinion. I'm quite disappointed really.
meles meles meles meles meles meles meles meles meles meles meles meles meles meles meles meles
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Re: "Frustrated by the programme marginalising her sexuality."

Post by Jon Corby »

Ian Volante wrote:I was half-expecting a cogent post from Kate clarifying the issues at hand, and possibly supplying some sort of useful opinion.
Seriously? Have you read her other posts?

Edit to add the latest comment from the article:
northernlass wrote:I think the problem lies in the response of forum members to Kates appearance and ensuing comments. They seem threatened by the fact that she made a point of her sexuality which suggests to me that they are all virgins and will be for life. These are a group of people who go to university and spend all their time playing scrabble. What a waste.
Just brilliant. I didn't go to University and I hate Scrabble so I don't think she's talking about me, but she's got the rest of you losers nailed on.
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Re: "Frustrated by the programme marginalising her sexuality."

Post by Ian Volante »

Jon Corby wrote:
Ian Volante wrote:I was half-expecting a cogent post from Kate clarifying the issues at hand, and possibly supplying some sort of useful opinion.
Seriously? Have you read her other posts?

Edit to add the latest comment from the article:
northernlass wrote:I think the problem lies in the response of forum members to Kates appearance and ensuing comments. They seem threatened by the fact that she made a point of her sexuality which suggests to me that they are all virgins and will be for life. These are a group of people who go to university and spend all their time playing scrabble. What a waste.
Well, I did say half-expecting. I'm an optimist. As for the latter quote which I missed earlier, I spent most of my time at university trying to find people to play Scrabble and have sex with, and was rather successful. So stick that in your pipe and smoke it. :)
meles meles meles meles meles meles meles meles meles meles meles meles meles meles meles meles
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Re: "Frustrated by the programme marginalising her sexuality."

Post by Jon Corby »

Ian Volante wrote:As for the latter quote which I missed earlier, I spent most of my time at university trying to find people to play Scrabble and have sex with, and was rather successful. So stick that in your pipe and smoke it. :)
I hope you took precautions :o
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Re: "Frustrated by the programme marginalising her sexuality."

Post by Phil Reynolds »

Ian Volante wrote:I spent most of my time at university trying to find people to play Scrabble and have sex with, and was rather successful.
Did you not find that the tiles kept bouncing off the rack?
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Re: "Frustrated by the programme marginalising her sexuality."

Post by Michael Wallace »

I can't tell, is her problem with people going to university as well as playing Scrabble, or people who play Scrabble all the time they're at university? Because I think I played Scrabble once whilst I was at university, and that was a game of assassins where we spent a week running around trying to kill each other (with water pistols and stuff) and when we did we stole tiles off people and then could try and make plays, which I'm not sure is what she has in mind.
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Re: "Frustrated by the programme marginalising her sexuality."

Post by Martin Gardner »

Jon Corby wrote:
Ian Volante wrote:I was half-expecting a cogent post from Kate clarifying the issues at hand, and possibly supplying some sort of useful opinion.
Seriously? Have you read her other posts?

Edit to add the latest comment from the article:
northernlass wrote:I think the problem lies in the response of forum members to Kates appearance and ensuing comments. They seem threatened by the fact that she made a point of her sexuality which suggests to me that they are all virgins and will be for life. These are a group of people who go to university and spend all their time playing scrabble. What a waste.
Just brilliant. I didn't go to University and I hate Scrabble so I don't think she's talking about me, but she's got the rest of you losers nailed on.
If you cut a gandiseeg in half, do you get two gandiseegs or two halves of a gandiseeg?
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Re: "Frustrated by the programme marginalising her sexuality."

Post by Martin Gardner »

Michael Wallace wrote:I can't tell, is her problem with people going to university as well as playing Scrabble, or people who play Scrabble all the time they're at university? Because I think I played Scrabble once whilst I was at university, and that was a game of assassins where we spent a week running around trying to kill each other (with water pistols and stuff) and when we did we stole tiles off people and then could try and make plays, which I'm not sure is what she has in mind.
Ahhh assassins, I've heard of that. Sounds pretty cool to me.
If you cut a gandiseeg in half, do you get two gandiseegs or two halves of a gandiseeg?
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Re: "Frustrated by the programme marginalising her sexuality."

Post by Michael Wallace »

Martin Gardner wrote:
Michael Wallace wrote:I can't tell, is her problem with people going to university as well as playing Scrabble, or people who play Scrabble all the time they're at university? Because I think I played Scrabble once whilst I was at university, and that was a game of assassins where we spent a week running around trying to kill each other (with water pistols and stuff) and when we did we stole tiles off people and then could try and make plays, which I'm not sure is what she has in mind.
Ahhh assassins, I've heard of that. Sounds pretty cool to me.
It's awesome. But I would say that. (Did I mention that I'm a Paranoia Hardened Death-master?)
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Re: "Frustrated by the programme marginalising her sexuality."

Post by Jon Corby »

Cool, I just followed a link off the lesbilicious website to www.whichisgayer.com, which will compare two things and tell you which one is gayer. Seems to work pretty well:


(Lesbilicious heartily endorses this as a bit of fun by the way, so I think it's safe to use without fear of reprisal - I can't see any disclaimers about the use by heterosexuals as being derogatory or offensive. But you never know. Use at your own risk.)
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Re: "Frustrated by the programme marginalising her sexuality."

Post by Michael Wallace »

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Re: "Frustrated by the programme marginalising her sexuality."

Post by Charlie Reams »

I knew there would be some disadvantage to my surname...

Back in the day, the top Google result for "Charlie Reams" was from a piece of lesbian erotica which included the line "Charlie reams her pussy with a dildo." Alas, my recent activities have displaced this excellent work and now I can't find it anywhere.
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Re: "Frustrated by the programme marginalising her sexuality."

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Re: "Frustrated by the programme marginalising her sexuality."

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So apparently this is far more fun than it should be.

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Re: "Frustrated by the programme marginalising her sexuality."

Post by Matt Morrison »


I'm definitely not going be the one who posts the Charlie Reams vs Kate Richardson comparison.
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Re: "Frustrated by the programme marginalising her sexuality."

Post by Phil Reynolds »

Just so you know:

michael wallace is officially gayer than phil reynolds!
phil reynolds (169,000) vs michael wallace (339,000)
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Re: "Frustrated by the programme marginalising her sexuality."

Post by Jon Corby »

Phil Reynolds wrote:Just so you know:

michael wallace is officially gayer than phil reynolds!
phil reynolds (169,000) vs michael wallace (339,000)
I'd need to see a pie chart really.
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Re: "Frustrated by the programme marginalising her sexuality."

Post by Charlie Reams »

I give up. Seriously.

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Re: "Frustrated by the programme marginalising her sexuality."

Post by Michael Wallace »

Haha, this was in the Pink Paper too. But most hilariously:

"Richardson ... praised the hosts for mentioning George House Trust’s HIV and AIDS work."
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Re: "Frustrated by the programme marginalising her sexuality."

Post by Charlie Reams »

Michael Wallace wrote:Haha, this was in the Pink Paper too. But most hilariously:

"Richardson ... praised the hosts for mentioning George House Trust’s HIV and AIDS work."
An impressive density of factual errors.
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Re: "Frustrated by the programme marginalising her sexuality."

Post by Kai Laddiman »

I have a gaiety rating of 251. :P
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Re: "Frustrated by the programme marginalising her sexuality."

Post by Ralph Gillions »

Just gazing at the pie charts is oddly stimulating.
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