What do you do if you find a pair of glasses?

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Gavin Chipper
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What do you do if you find a pair of glasses?

Post by Gavin Chipper »

Someone (not me) found a pair of glasses in their case on the footpathy thing near where I live. He could have just left them there on the basis that the person that had lost them would go back to look for them. However, he didn't do that. He took them for safekeeping but unfortunately hasn't been very proactive at reuniting them with their owner.

He's now gone abroad and basically I've decided to take charge of the situation. This glasses were found on 8th February (12 whole days ago). I could put them back where they were, or I could put a note there saying to contact me (and give e-mail address/mobile number). Either is a bit weird 12 days after the event, but as far as I can see, they're probably the best options. What's it to be?
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Michael Wallace
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Re: What do you do if you find a pair of glasses?

Post by Michael Wallace »

I'm assuming there's nothing to identify the owner from the glasses/case? In which case I'd've probably left them in the first place - it's not like a wallet where there's more of a risk that someone naughty will come along and just pinch it (citation needed, etc.). I think I'd go and put a note with an email address (ideally one you don't care about getting spammed), if someone is looking for the case they'll see the note, whereas the glasses could get taken/damaged.
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Jon O'Neill
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Re: What do you do if you find a pair of glasses?

Post by Jon O'Neill »

Michael Wallace wrote:they'll see the note
Not without their glasses they won't.
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Jon Corby
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Re: What do you do if you find a pair of glasses?

Post by Jon Corby »

Jon O'Neill wrote:
Michael Wallace wrote:they'll see the note
Not without their glasses they won't.
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Michael Wallace
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Re: What do you do if you find a pair of glasses?

Post by Michael Wallace »

I have no sympathy for anyone who can see well enough to not have their glasses on their face in the first place. Unless they're five. (I once lost a pair of glasses when I was five by leaving them on the bumper of my mum's car.)
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John Bosley
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Re: What do you do if you find a pair of glasses?

Post by John Bosley »

Take them to the local police station (and leave a note sticking out from under a stone). This way you give not details away.
The station may already have their details if they have been asking for them.
This way you feel OK about it and can get on with your life.
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Clive Brooker
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Re: What do you do if you find a pair of glasses?

Post by Clive Brooker »

Michael Wallace wrote:I have no sympathy for anyone who can see well enough to not have their glasses on their face in the first place.
A bit harsh. I have 4 current pairs of glasses, but I never wear more than one pair at the same time.
Gavin Chipper
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Re: What do you do if you find a pair of glasses?

Post by Gavin Chipper »

Thanks for the input chaps. I've still not done anything so it's still not too late to come with a winning answer.
Michael Wallace wrote:I'm assuming there's nothing to identify the owner from the glasses/case? In which case I'd've probably left them in the first place - it's not like a wallet where there's more of a risk that someone naughty will come along and just pinch it (citation needed, etc.). I think I'd go and put a note with an email address (ideally one you don't care about getting spammed), if someone is looking for the case they'll see the note, whereas the glasses could get taken/damaged.
There was nothing to idenify the owner. I made a note and printed it out at work yesterday, but this included both an e-mail address (not my main one) and my mobile number. Should I drop the mobile number? But realistically, will my mobile number get spammed as a result of this?

I also nicked one of those plastic ring binder insert things from work to put the note in so it could survive the rain. But then I thought I could just put the glasses in that.

Whatever I do will look weird nearly two weeks after the event. But just to reiterate, that's not my fault. I've inherited this situation.
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Andy Wilson
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Re: What do you do if you find a pair of glasses?

Post by Andy Wilson »

I'd imagine the person who lost them has given up hope of finding them at this stage and gotten a new pair. But then again, that's just spec-ulation.
Gavin Chipper
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Re: What do you do if you find a pair of glasses?

Post by Gavin Chipper »

Andy Wilson wrote:I'd imagine the person who lost them has given up hope of finding them at this stage and gotten a new pair. But then again, that's just spec-ulation.
Yes, very good. But if this happened to me, I would still be happy to get the old pair back. As things stand, I'm going to put the sign out tomorrow with or without the mobile number (probably with as it means not making a new sign) and without the glasses.
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Julie T
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Re: What do you do if you find a pair of glasses?

Post by Julie T »

John Bosley wrote:Take them to the local police station (and leave a note sticking out from under a stone). This way you give not details away.
The station may already have their details if they have been asking for them.
This way you feel OK about it and can get on with your life.
I agree with this one. I've often found lost things:

If it's in a public building, I give it into the reception desk of wherever it is.
If it's outdoors, I give it into the nearest police station.

Depends what the item is though. I wouldn't go to that trouble if it were 5p, etc!

I found an unsigned credit card on a pavement once a couple of years back and gave it into the nearest police station, or rather, as it was shut, I shoved the card under the door. I can't remember if I put a note with it too, but it would've been a good idea.

Don't feel embarrassed about explaining the delay, Gavin - as you say, you didn't pick the glasses up.
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Gavin Chipper
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Re: What do you do if you find a pair of glasses?

Post by Gavin Chipper »

I'm not sure about the police station idea. If it was a wallet (with stuff in), that would be a certainty, but I'm not sure if someone whose glasses fall out of their pocket is likely to check the police station to see if they've handed it in, or that the police will do (or be able to do) anything about it themselves.

I'm going to the source with my note tonight I think.
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Ian Fitzpatrick
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Re: What do you do if you find a pair of glasses?

Post by Ian Fitzpatrick »

Gavin Chipper wrote:I'm not sure about the police station idea. If it was a wallet (with stuff in), that would be a certainty, but I'm not sure if someone whose glasses fall out of their pocket is likely to check the police station to see if they've handed it in, or that the police will do (or be able to do) anything about it themselves.

I'm going to the source with my note tonight I think.
In days gone by you could have found the police taking an interest, but not these days unfortunately, that sort of service is long gone, and forever.
I thought I was good at Countdown until I joined this forum
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Charlie Hastings
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Re: What do you do if you find a pair of glasses?

Post by Charlie Hastings »

If they remain unclaimed, there are charities out there that will recycle them for those in need - easily found on the internet.
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Matt Morrison
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Re: What do you do if you find a pair of glasses?

Post by Matt Morrison »

Charlie Hastings wrote:If they remain unclaimed, there are charities out there that will recycle them for those in need - easily found on the internet.
If there's one thing we know on this forum, it's definitely that those in need are easily found on the Internet.
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