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Mark James
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Post by Mark James »

I thought there should be a thread for discussing music, past and present, so here it is. Just seen Beady Eye's new video. What the hell is up with Liam Gallagher's voice. I don't like most of Oasis' stuff and the stuff I do like Noel sings, but I always felt Liam's voice did have something about it but it sounds totally different on this. Maybe he changed it on purpose so as not to sound like Oasis which is fair enough. Whatever's going on, the song was shite.

If replying to this thread, at the end of your post, could you put a recommendation for a song you think people should check out. Obviously the more obscure the better but any song you think deserves a bit of promotion will do.

I'm gonna go for "The Smell of Incense" by The West Coast Pop Art Experimental Band.
Ryan Taylor
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Re: Music

Post by Ryan Taylor »

Imagine a world without music. I think I would probably just kill myself if music didn't exist. Agree with your view on Beady Eye.

I'm so glad Tinie Tempah has been to Scunthorpe now.

I recommend a song just off top of my head that I quite like and stumbled across it when making a quiz: 'Summersong' by The Decemberists
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Re: Music

Post by Peter Mabey »

I'm only interested in real music (R3 & Classic fm) - but not opera (especially Wagner :twisted: )
The Schubert trio in today's R3 lunchtime concert was wonderful, but I thought R3's 12 days of Mozart was a bit OTT :o
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Re: Music

Post by Ian Volante »

I heard a Beady Eye song the other day, and thought it was okay (having not been an Oasis fan.

Best song I've come across in the last year or so is Mind Eraser, No Chaser by Them Crooked Vultures. A rock track with a hell of a groove, if I ever hear it in a club, I won't be able to resist dancing to it.
meles meles meles meles meles meles meles meles meles meles meles meles meles meles meles meles
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Brian Moore
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Re: Music

Post by Brian Moore »

I'll be playing this here in a few weeks' time. It doesn't get much better than this for a trumpeter. Though maybe not that great if you don't like pieces of music that are 90 minutes long, or sopranos.
Ryan Taylor wrote:Imagine a world without music. I think I would probably just kill myself if music didn't exist.
I'd rather not, thanks. I'd be out of a job (or several jobs, to be more accurate), though the knowledge that Andrew Lloyd Webber wouldn't write any more musicals might stop me from committing suicide.
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Andy Wilson
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Re: Music

Post by Andy Wilson »

I couldn't really be arsed listening to Beady Eye long enough to form a valid opinion, but I've served my time with the Gallaghers so I won't slag them off either - they is my boyhood heroes innit. I did hear one song that had piano in the verse that sounded a lot like 'Instant Karma'.

The Decemberists are great. I'm gonna catch them on the 4th of March in Dublin. There's a bus load of us from Cork heading up and meeting a bunch of old friends/family up there. Should be quite cool as I'll never have been to a gig in such a small venue (1,000 capacity) with such a large group of people and I expect the band are going to be pretty stunning. Funnily enough I was torn between going to see them in London the week of your finals Ryan, they were playing the next night i think. I toyed with the idea of heading down from Manchester after my mam headed back, but as none of my mates wanted to make the trip and i wasn't too flush I said I'd hold it off, it was either countdown or the gig. They were playing 'The Hazards of Love' album, which at the time I was wrapped in, in it's entirety, something i think is a great idea but which I've not yet seen a band do. Imagine, I chose countdown over that. It's possibly one of the most idiotic decisions I've ever made and I've made some dingers.

Listening to an album all the way through is my favourite way to listen to music. I'd much rather sit down and listen to a couple of records rather than stick the laptop on shuffle.

As for a song to recommend, I could go as obscure as you like, but probably the best song/video I came across last year was 'I Say Fever' by Ramona Falls. Turn the lights off and crank the volume.

I'm working on a lot of music personally at the moment, both writing songs and working on how to perform them and also playing with two other writers in separate groups, David Nelligan and Niamh Murphy. Dave's just finished his first 'proper' album (in that he put real drums on it and has had it mastered and it wasn't recorded on a dictaphone in a toilet) but it's actually his third. He played/sang most of it himself but there are 5 of us attempting to transfer it to the stage at present and i'm really excited about it. We hope to have it ready for March. Dave is simply a genius and there are two free albums there for torrenting if you like it. Here's one that was inspired by his local priest.

Niamh and I have been playing together for a few years, but in the meantime she's been playing with another band with shared songwriting duties. She's just so prolific she's also got a side project band going with just her songs and i'm a part of that.

Here's a vid of us about a year ago. It was quite new then but we don't seem to have made you tube together since.

There is a lot of music in Cork and most of my friends are musicians so I could talk about it until the cows come home. Do you ever come here in October for the Jazz festival Brian?
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Brian Moore
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Re: Music

Post by Brian Moore »

Andy Wilson wrote:Do you ever come here in October for the Jazz festival Brian?
I haven't been over yet, but it certainly looks jam-packed of interesting stuff. I took my Devon Youth Jazz Orchestra to play on the free stage at Montreux in July, but the 'Jazz' Festival itself has very few real jazz headline acts (What was Jessye Norman doing there following Brad Mehldau?) and the ticket prices start at £60 standing. I prefer the jazz festivals that do what they say on the tin and have wall-to-wall jazz - there are plenty of other festivals to cater for other tastes.

I see that Maceo Parker was at Cork - he came to a small venue in Exeter recently - that was a great gig to see. I also really enjoy the Youngblood Brass Band who have been a few times, though could do with less amplification, so I could hear what they are playing. Are all people on sound desks deaf, or am I an over-sensitive wuss? Anyway, they do some really musically powerful stuff, e.g.
Brooklyn -
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Andy Wilson
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Re: Music

Post by Andy Wilson »

It's a great weekend. It could be much much better of course, if they didn't blow so much of the budget on big names but the last couple of years I've been off work most of the weekend and I've really had a cracking weekend of it both years. That said, I'm not a very big fan of jazz - but there's something quite special about feeling a brass ensemble coming at you, or seeing someone who really knows how to make their way around a piano or guitar while not being too restricted by 'rules'.

The best thing about the festival, for me anyway, are the workshops. I can never get to enough of them as they often clash, but they're often half empty, sometimes, guitar masterclasses from headline acts that would be sold out in venues twice the size the next day and all of the workshops are free. Both of the last two years I joined the festival choir which is basically a vocal workshop. It was lead by Pete Churchill, dunno if you'd know him, but anyway, he really made us all feel incredible about the task during a couple of 2 hour sessions and then we opened the main stage in the festival club on the Sunday with 3 songs, it was all a bit Anneka's challenge!

Then, every bar in town also realises that if they don't have music on no one will bother coming in, so there are gigs on everywhere, not necessarily jazz and plenty of stuff in the afternoon too. For a town of our size (there's only about dozen main streets in the city centre) we're lucky to have something so cool and the city is just jammers with people and music and fun.

That youngblood song sounds pretty good, love the sound of, if that's a sousaphone that's doing the bass? Reminds me a little bit of these fellas, who I saw a couple of years ago on their first trip over (not for the jazz) but they've been back every 6 months since.

A lot of sound engineers are partially deaf, as are a lot of musicians which is a problem alright. Proper noise levels regulation should be common place by now. The main problem I find is though that a lot of sound engineers are d1ck heads too, which I have used to my advantage by getting a part time job as one. Even though I haven't a clue how to really do the job, I get away with it, just for being nice.

It would be pretty cool to record a version of the countdown team by a bunch of us from on here. We could get Chris to lay down a groove and then send it on to someone else to chuck a bass line down and onto someone else etc.
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Brian Moore
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Re: Music

Post by Brian Moore »

Andy Wilson wrote:That said, I'm not a very big fan of jazz - but there's something quite special about feeling a brass ensemble coming at you.[...]
Jazz sometimes turns me off too - I'm much more into big band, as the jazz part tends not to turn into mutual musical masturbation, as it too often does with small bands trying to show off how 'clever' they are.
Both of the last two years I joined the festival choir which is basically a vocal workshop. It was lead by Pete Churchill, dunno if you'd know him, but anyway, he really made us all feel incredible about the task during a couple of 2 hour sessions and then we opened the main stage in the festival club on the Sunday with 3 songs, it was all a bit Anneka's challenge!
Yeah, I've done several training sessions with Pete - a real genius, and superb musician. I've nicked several of his ideas for teaching jazz. He'd get any group of people to sing great music.
That youngblood song sounds pretty good, love the sound of, if that's a sousaphone that's doing the bass?
Yep, sousaphone, having the arse blown off it. A good noise indeed.
It would be pretty cool to record a version of the countdown team by a bunch of us from on here. We could get Chris to lay down a groove and then send it on to someone else to chuck a bass line down and onto someone else etc.
Haha, yes, that would be cool.
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Re: Music

Post by JimBentley »

Mark James wrote:Just seen Beady Eye's new video. What the hell is up with Liam Gallagher's voice. I don't like most of Oasis' stuff and the stuff I do like Noel sings, but I always felt Liam's voice did have something about it but it sounds totally different on this. Maybe he changed it on purpose so as not to sound like Oasis which is fair enough. Whatever's going on, the song was shite.
Hmm, have listened to a few Beady Eye tracks on Youtube now and I can sort of see what you mean about Liam's voice; I don't think it's overtly different to the way he sang on latter-period Oasis, but it does sound as though he's making even more of an effort to channel John Lennon than usual. This for instance is the one that sounds like Instant Karma and he sounds really Lennony on it. Of the other tracks, there's no great surprises really - OK I don't think anyone really expected him to head off in a radical new dubstep or speedcore direction, but any of this stuff could've been put out by Oasis anytime in the last ten years and nobody would have batted an eyelid.

Anyway, here's something completely different, Odessa by Caribou, which was probably my most-played track of last year (to be fair it came out last January so it had a pretty good run at it). The whole album it's from is great too, highly recommended.
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Andy Wilson
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Re: Music

Post by Andy Wilson »

Brian Moore wrote:Yeah, I've done several training sessions with Pete - a real genius, and superb musician. I've nicked several of his ideas for teaching jazz. He'd get any group of people to sing great music.
Oh cool. A year and a half later after only 5 or 6 hours in his company and I still miss the b@stard! Yeah, it was mainly women, 30-60 as well, a good few of em whom didn't sing with a group or anything and didn't seem to have much confidence but he just inspired everyone, I've never been in a group experience that felt as good. I was hung over as hell on the Saturday morning after a big night after the Friday session, yet floated down town, excited about it after just a few hours sleep. He didn't bother with giving us printed lyrics either, preferring to teach us the phrasings by speaking it, then learning harmonies and putting it together on the spot. After sesh 1 he was like, right, tomorrow, you'll be on your way back here and you'll have completely forgotten the words, the harmonies, but once we kick back in they'll be there and that is how you train your mind to remember - similar to the way we remember some anagrams I suppose and he was right, I hadn't a clue of words or what I'd been singing but as soon as he kicked back into it it was all there.
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Andy Wilson
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Re: Music

Post by Andy Wilson »

JimBentley wrote:Anyway, here's something completely different, Odessa by Caribou, which was probably my most-played track of last year (to be fair it came out last January so it had a pretty good run at it). The whole album it's from is great too, highly recommended.
Never heard it. Very nice. Lol at the 'penis 0:14' comment also!
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Andy Wilson
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Re: Music

Post by Andy Wilson »

Interesting that the first link on the right is Villagers, as they are quite different, but as we're talking new and stuff and they're right there, they deserve a mention. This is by a distance my favourite one of theirs, this version an earlier different version to the one that appears on their brilliant debut record. The singer/writer/genius Conor O'Brien made a sweet stop motion video to go with it two. Lights off and loud again I reckon. This song pierced me through the chest when I first heard it.
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Joseph Krol
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Re: Music

Post by Joseph Krol »

I've worked out how to play the countdown theme on keyboard but it sounds pretty crap. If we get enough people I would be interested in partaking in the countdown theme cover by 'The Forumites'.
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Rhys Benjamin
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Re: Music

Post by Rhys Benjamin »

The forum's resident JAILBAKER, who has SPONDERED several times...
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Joseph Krol
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Re: Music

Post by Joseph Krol »

Rhys Benjamin wrote:This may help Mr. Krol.
Neat, thanks Rhys.
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Andy Wilson
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Re: Music

Post by Andy Wilson »

Cool. Might be tough to coordinate... would be fun though. Just heard a beady eye b-side, world outside my room. It's alright. Very lennon like alright, which isn't much surprise. Maybe the voice thing is just that he's finally not shouting and deliberately snarling up the menace in his voice?
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Re: Music

Post by Rhys Benjamin »

I'd fancy it but have no recording equipment
The forum's resident JAILBAKER, who has SPONDERED several times...
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Andy Wilson
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Re: Music

Post by Andy Wilson »

You could just dance along sure.
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Joseph Krol
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Re: Music

Post by Joseph Krol »

The obvious idea for coordination would be to email the sound files to someone with a music editor, who would play them together and cut them down and accelerate/slow down them so they fit together. Any better ideas?
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Andy Wilson
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Re: Music

Post by Andy Wilson »

It'd probably be easier just to all play in time, one by one... hence start with a drum track. The hard part would be arranging it. One person could write an arrangement and we could each play a part or we could have a free for all and then edit it down. We need Phil Reynolds on board for this!
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Brian Moore
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Re: Music

Post by Brian Moore »

Joseph Krol wrote:The obvious idea for coordination would be to email the sound files to someone with a music editor, who would play them together and cut them down and accelerate/slow down them so they fit together. Any better ideas?
Well, for best & easiest result:

Notate an arrangement; send parts to people; individuals record parts on computer playing along to metronome click at tempo; people send their parts to someone with Logic who just has to balance etc.

It could be done alternatively with laying down a rhythm section in the order drums, bass, keyboard/guitar, then the horns making up parts on the top, but that would be a bit more hit-and-miss, and would take much more co-ordination/post-production, I think.

So what do people play? I'm trumpet, obviously (as is Innis, I think), but I'll also do trombone and French horn.

EDIT - I see you've got there before me, Andy.
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Re: Music

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Incidentally, the track 'Song For Matt' here was recorded all separately (that's me on trumpet) and assembled using Logic.
Gavin Chipper
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Re: Music

Post by Gavin Chipper »

Rhys Benjamin wrote:This may help Mr. Krol.
I like the way that there is a picture of the clock music.
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Andy Wilson
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Re: Music

Post by Andy Wilson »

I can't really read music, I'm more of an ears kind of player, but I did try studying it recently and with the aid of the 'sibelius' software I've notated some pieces, although the semi complicated ones took me fkin forever. I'm a strummer, guitar and more recently ukelele, although I also mess about with tenor banjo, do a lot of singing, plinky plonky stuff like glockenspiel and kalimba. Over the last 6 months or so I've been getting well into trying to master the musical saw.
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Andy Wilson
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Re: Music

Post by Andy Wilson »

Mark James wrote: I'm gonna go for "The Smell of Incense" by The West Coast Pop Art Experimental Band.
Just checked this out. Like.
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Re: Music

Post by Andy Wilson »

Actually, it would totally work as a countdown theme mashup... sing it along with the bassline...
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Brian Moore
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Re: Music

Post by Brian Moore »

Andy Wilson wrote:Actually, it would totally work as a countdown theme mashup... sing it along with the bassline...
Actually, yes, I think this would be much more fun, in an anarchic random sort of way. Drums 'n' bass, then anything goes.
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Joseph Krol
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Re: Music

Post by Joseph Krol »

I play acoustic guitar and a bit of keyboard, and my sister plays violin but might be hard to get her to cooperate.
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Re: Music

Post by JimBentley »

Just a brief diversion from the Forumites stuff, I thought it was interesting what Andy was saying earlier about remembering words through harmonies. Often I think that I can't remember any of the words from certain songs, yet once I've played the intro, I'll then remember exactly what the first few lines are. Certainly my brain seems to retain melodies better than words in the most part.

On a related note, another of my favourite albums from last year was 'Treats' by Sleigh Bells, but this track - Rill Rill - bugged me for ages, because as soon as I heard it, I knew I already knew it from another source, but couldn't think where. Anyway, I finally gave up and Googled it and it turns out that it's the guitar line from Can You Get To That by Funkadelic, a song that I'm almost certain I haven't heard for about twenty years. Weird how some things stick in the mind.
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Ben Hunter
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Re: Music

Post by Ben Hunter »

I did a MIDI sequence of the clock music ages ago, posted it here once or twice but here it is anyway
Mark James
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Re: Music

Post by Mark James »

Cheers everybody for the contributions. Ever since Planet Sound on channel 4 teletext has gone I've found it a chore to find decent music recommendations. The recent FIFA soundtracks have been great though. That Caribou track is on FIFA 11 along with O.N.E by Yeasayer which is amazing and every time it comes on I have to have a kick about the arena until its over. Also, I wish music channels would put the name of the song and artist in the middle of the screen rather than the side (NME and Scuzz I'm looking at you) as the full picture doesn't seem to fit on my tv screen and I can never see the names.

Today's recommendation is "Feeding Frenzy" by the National Prayer Breakfast. Can't find a link to it anywhere though. Hopefully it's on itunes.
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Andy Wilson
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Re: Music

Post by Andy Wilson »

JimBentley wrote:Just a brief diversion from the Forumites stuff, I thought it was interesting what Andy was saying earlier about remembering words through harmonies. Often I think that I can't remember any of the words from certain songs, yet once I've played the intro, I'll then remember exactly what the first few lines are. Certainly my brain seems to retain melodies better than words in the most part.
All we need are more 30 second long intros I suppose.
Ben Hunter wrote:I did a MIDI sequence of the clock music ages ago, posted it here once or twice but here it is anyway

Mark... I can't believe you've been finding music through FIFA and Teletext! Whatever works though. NPB is pretty rare though man. Very few people I know would have ever heard them. The 2002 world cup for me was bookended by a couple of massive sessions on the tear, both involving great gigs. The night before the Cameroon game I went to see The Frames with Josh Ritter and Damien Rice (forgive me it was a long time ago) in a big tent and ended up in a small pub at another gig where a bunch of the guys who'd been playing the big gig turned up and joined in and it finished with a sing along/hangout on the street. Brilliant night. I'd just moved to Cork and this sh't just didn't happen in Dublin and if it did there were always too many c'nts around to be able to enjoy it properly.

The night before the Spanish game where we somehow managed not to beat them, I ended up in a nightclub and NPB were playing in the basement. All my mates went off milling around the club while I stayed downstairs on my own, loving it. Afterwards I had to go over and say hello and thanks and I remember giving the bass player my nodge, because they were from out of town and had nothing to smoke. I also told him where I lived, and sure enough a couple of hours later, we're up in the gaff and in he and the drummer stroll in and join the party (we'd left the front door open, of course). They were bang on and we had a really good laugh that night. A year or two earlier I'd had the chance to see them in Dublin with Mic Christopher and decided I didn't like the sound of their names so kept walking. Mic had passed away by the time I finally got round to seeing NPB and was soon to become one of my favourites.

Just had a google there too, and it seems that Paul, the drummer from NPB died of a heart attack aged 34 back in February. :(
They'd broken up a few years ago. I have a record of theirs somewhere, If I find it I'll let you know but If you do find a link to any of their stuff please do let me know as it's likely that record is no longer in my possession.

Another guy who was there that night (he was living next door, heard the ruckuss and came and joined us) was a guy called Joe O'Leary who plays in a band called Fred. He's the dude in the hat in this vid. ... r_embedded#! To be honest, although I'd been to see his band, I only barely recognised him that night and it wasn't until a few months later when I heard him in a radio interview I was sure. I know a couple of the band quite well now though, Cork is only small.
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Andy Wilson
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Re: Music

Post by Andy Wilson »

Actually, Fred shot this video in the same room that I saw NPB that night, which is the basement of the opera house and used to be part of the half moon club. It's a funny video. ... EUnUq2TAGC
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Re: Music

Post by Andy Wilson »

Andy Wilson wrote: Just had a google there too, and it seems that Paul, the drummer from NPB died of a heart attack aged 34 back in February. :(
Found some of his own music, which is nothing like NPB but worth posting while I'm down there. ... r_embedded

It's also a nice song and the video made me giggle.
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Re: Music

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Love music. Imagine a world without music; it would be boring and dull. I really like all kinds of music, except classical, from instruments to songs, pop songs and some rock songs only though, and I particularly like rhianna's songs, some cheryl cole songs and katy perry's songs.
One Direction are my life. <3
"The reason for life is to find out who you are"
"It always seems impossible until it's done" :)
Love loads of celebs to be honest... Might marry Nicky Maccy :P
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Re: Music

Post by JimBentley »

That reminds me, something happened this week that's going to make a great future quiz question, if any of you quiz-setters wants it: Who is the only solo female artist to have UK No. 1 singles in five consecutive years?
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Andy Wilson
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Re: Music

Post by Andy Wilson »

Is it Cheryl? Rhianna, Katy Perry and Cheryl drive me nuts to be honest Sophie but i'm glad you like music. There is a lot there for you to discover. What kind of rock songs do you like? How bout this one?

Sorry If I'm going on a bit in this thread - I was still drunk this morning when I went off on one there, but It was pretty significant and I'm still a bit in shock about poor Paul. Heart attack at 34. Dude must have liked his disco biscuits. Only did meet him the once, but it' not everyday you give a random your address and they end up making their way there and hanging out for the night. I think when you play music with someone and enjoy it, without being all faggy, it's a pretty beautiful thing and, well, I won't blabber on about spirits again because I know it's an extreme enough belief, but, that shit is totally goddamn spiritual man.

On a happier note - I made a new friend this week. This is him

He came into my open mic (oh yeah, I run an open mic night on Tuesdays, have done, in 3 different pubs for about 5 years). We hit it off and I sent him to another night where he ended up getting his picture taken, which appeared in Yesterday's examiner, a national cork based newspaper. I'd also been asked to fill a 30 minute slot tonight that I can't do as I'm working, so I offered it to him and we were chatting about it on the phone yesterday when I suggested we meet for a jar. 9 hours later I staggered out of my mates gaff, steaming, after showing him around town guided by Beamish and having a really nice jam (he hadn't played a piano for about 6 months so we let him spazz out on it for a while and it was very entertaining). It's pretty savage for himself, because, for independent musicians it can take a long time to get the foot in the door in a new town without support from a promoter/manager or whatever. Basically, if you want good gigs you need to fcking pay some cnt with the gift of the gab to get them for you unless one decides in advance that you are someone they could make money off and they do it for free. So, most of us ignore it and just try do the best we can. Gabriel, over here to study til June, has played two open mikes, appeared in the national paper (where they gave his tunes a little plug) and has a gig, after just a week and a half! Pretty sweet eh?

Anyway... that's it... no punchline, but like, we're talking about music and he's a musician, right? Andy, what's the point of this story? I like stories.
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Matt Morrison
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Re: Music

Post by Matt Morrison »

I love all your stories Andy. Keep it up dude.
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Andy Wilson
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Re: Music

Post by Andy Wilson »

In person, I've a serious habit of starting one story and finishing another.
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Re: Music

Post by Andy Wilson »

I'm still bummed about Paul Clancy. I really want to listen to some NPB and i'm disappointed that I can't find any on the web... just shows how obscure they are. Anyone who torrents able to help me out? That song feeding frenzy and another called 1000 helicopters are my favourites.
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Re: Music

Post by Ryan Taylor »

JimBentley wrote:That reminds me, something happened this week that's going to make a great future quiz question, if any of you quiz-setters wants it: Who is the only solo female artist to have UK No. 1 singles in five consecutive years?
Lol actually had that in a quiz on Monday and we got it right although I did think about Lady GaGa for a bit, but that was nothing to do with the quiz. I then rang Josh Hurst and he actually gave me an answer to one of the questions we couldn't get. Another vaguely recent music one is something like "Which solo artist became the first to have a number one album in the USA and the UK on 2 separate occasions within a year?" Or something to that effect.
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Re: Music

Post by Mark James »

Andy, googling NPB led me to their myspace page which has three songs on it, none of which was feeding frenzy or 1000 helicopters unfortunately. Phantom FM in Dublin used play them a lot as well as Blotooth, ( who were the best Irish band ever as far as I'm concerned. Unfortunately they changed their name to Juno Falls and they're crap now. And Phantom FM sucks now it's legal. I'd really appreciate some metal recommendations from anyone too.

And on that note, today's recommendation is "Where Dead Angels Lie" by Dissection.
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Andy Wilson
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Re: Music

Post by Andy Wilson »

Haha. Where you from Mark? I know Myles from Juno Falls to chat to alright. Had a great session with him at a little festival in Skibbereen a couple of years ago, where he lashed out tunes til all hours. I was too wasted to jam with him but he had no problem, even in that state with me giving a few a go. I do love the loop pedal stuff though - the atom bomb song is pretty awesome when he nails it - he perhaps goes a little too trippy on it at times on some tunes and loses you though. I can't remember if I saw them when they were blotooth, but I did see them a few times circa 2002 and remember one guitar player departing. They had a wurlitzer when they played in the Lobby back in the day which was awesome.

I didn't abbreviate the name when I googled. Feeling the worse for wear today. Thanks a million for that, really appreciate it.
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Re: Music

Post by Andy Wilson »

Nostalgia trip. Best thread ever.
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Re: Music

Post by Mark James »

I'm from Inchicore in Dublin Andy. Met Myles myself a few times. He used to work in a music store in town and my mates band supported Blotooth once. Sound chap, just not keen on his current stuff. Don't get out to gigs much these days (trying to stay off drink and drugs as much as possible). Last one was in Sligo a few months back to see my cousin's band Deja Groove. They're just a covers band but they're pretty tight. T'was a good night but I was pissed off having just come from the Rovers v St Pats match where they beat us to a European place and the venue was full of Sligo players.

Next recommendation, "Sick of Myself" by Matthew Sweet.
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Re: Music

Post by Ian Volante »

For those of you that like female singer/songwriters and quirky songs, I recommend Hannah Werdmuller. Worth a listen.
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Andy Wilson
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Re: Music

Post by Andy Wilson »

Mark James wrote: Blotooth, ( who were the best Irish band ever as far as I'm concerned. Unfortunately they changed their name to Juno Falls and they're crap now.
Jaysus, that's a lot heavier than the band I saw ever were, definitely didn't see Blotooth so. Myles obviously mellowed out a good bit so. Will check out Dissection after this but I'm gonna hazard a guess it'll be a bit on the heavy side for me. My own personal favourite band from Ireland were a band called Humit. Lead singer, another Myles, Horgan, got a bit too busy with acting though and couldn't keep it going, having only taken over the front man slot himself after the first one quit. They morphed from an indie pop sound into this amazingly trippy harmony laced sharp band over quite a short space of time. They then recorded an album and when it was finished they wound the band up. I'd say very few people have heard it tbh but I haven't given up hope of convincing one of them to give me a copy some day! The bass player, Brian Deady does something quite different now, which wouldn't be my cuppa tea but he's damn good at it and this tune mentions Glenroe so you'd have to give it the nod. Again, I haven't had any luck finding Humit but apparently im googletarded anyway.

Nice to meet a fellow Dub on here - from Sandyford myself. Been to Richmond Park a bunch of times watching UCD. Saw Celtic play there when I was a kid as well. One of Di Canio's last appearances.
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Andy Wilson
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Re: Music

Post by Andy Wilson »

Ian Volante wrote:For those of you that like female singer/songwriters and quirky songs, I recommend Hannah Werdmuller. Worth a listen.
A good one for the countdowners as her name is word muller.
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Re: Music

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That heavy Blotooth song must've been "Leather Tassels". It's really their only song like that. Check out "Give Up Your Day Job". Yeah Dissection are fairly heavy Swedish black metal. Lead singer killed himself a few years ago after spending some time in prison for assisting in a murder or something. I love metal but I wish some of the bands wouldn't take all this Satanism shit seriously.
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Re: Music

Post by Andy Wilson »

'Day Job' probably pick of the bunch for me alright.

I'm well biased here, but I fking love this man's music
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Re: Music

Post by Jon O'Neill »

So, new Radiohead album today. I will be listening to it on my way home from work, so FN EXCITED!
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Re: Music

Post by Marc Meakin »

Jon O'Neill wrote:So, new Radiohead album today. I will be listening to it on my way home from work, so FN EXCITED!
Its worse than kid A listen to a bit of white soul listen to 21 by Adele

Can someone name a better vocal performance by a white voice in the last 20 years than Adeles on Rolling in the Deep.
And no I aint being racist.
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Re: Music

Post by Jon O'Neill »

Marc Meakin wrote:Its worse than kid A listen to a bit of white soul listen to 21 by Adele
Everything is worse than Kid A.
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Re: Music

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Just watched the video for radiohead's new one, "Louts Flower". All I can say is meh. It sounds like its building to something but never gets there. In Rainbows didn't do much for me either. I liked "Faust Arp" but that was about it. I seriously think it has something to do with not smoking weed these days. Or drugs in general. When I was big into smoking and doing pills and acid and that I loved Kid A. Still think its good but not as good as I used to think back in the day. Maybe that's just time having an effect but then I still think Love's "Forever Changes" is the best album ever, even when perfectly sober too.

Oops, forgot to give a recommendation. How about "The Aeroplane Song" by Straw.
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Re: Music

Post by Soph K »

Jon O'Neill wrote:
Marc Meakin wrote:Its worse than kid A listen to a bit of white soul listen to 21 by Adele
Everything is worse than Kid A.
never heard of kid a
One Direction are my life. <3
"The reason for life is to find out who you are"
"It always seems impossible until it's done" :)
Love loads of celebs to be honest... Might marry Nicky Maccy :P
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Andy Wilson
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Re: Music

Post by Andy Wilson »

Soph K wrote: never heard of kid a - It's one of their (Radiohead's) records. Came along 3 odd years after 'Ok Computer', an album which made them one of the most popular bands on the planet at the time. But Kid A was a deliberate move away from the sound that they had come to be admired so much for. They moved away from the guitars and started using more electronic stuff and drum machines. The result was basically a big bunch of songs that they split into two brilliant albums (Kid A and Amnesiac) and in the process, changed the way a lot of their fans thought about music, even if they did lose a few.

Kid A is brilliant, so is In Rainbows and I bet The King of Limbs is too.

Anyway, I still can't stop listening to my mate Dave. Check out the song life imitating art on this:
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Andy Wilson
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Re: Music

Post by Andy Wilson »

Oh yeah, pretty amazing music news... although this could also go in the coincidence thread
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Re: Music

Post by Mark James »

Andy Wilson wrote:Oh yeah, pretty amazing music news... although this could also go in the coincidence thread
That's class. Wonder what the baby from the "Nevermind" album cover is up to these days.

And recommended for your pleasure, "Ripple Effect" by Erik Mongrain.
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Re: Music

Post by Ian Volante »

Mark James wrote:That's class. Wonder what the baby from the "Nevermind" album cover is up to these days.
"Elden now works as an artist, interning at Shepard Fairey's Obey Giant studio."
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